



我使用Cassandra 2.1.2与对应的DataStax Java驱动程序和DataStax提供的对象映射。


  CREATE TABLE如果不存在ses.tim(id text PRIMARY KEY,start bigint,cid int); 


  @Table(keyspace =ses,name =tim)
class MyObj {
private String id;
private int cid;


接口MyAccessor {
@Query(SELECT * FROM ses.tim WHERE id =:iid)
MyObj get(@Param iid)String id);

@Query(SELECT * FROM ses.tim WHERE start< =:sstart)
结果< MyObj> get(@Param(sstart)long start);



  CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS myindex ON ses.tim(start); 



  @Query(SELECT * FROM ses.tim WHERE cid =:ccid AND start< =:sstart)

CREATE INDEX如果不存在myindex2 ON ses.tim (cid);




  id text,start bigint,cid int,PRIMARY KEY(id,start,cid)

  @Table(keyspace =ses,name =tim)
class MyObj {
private String id;
private int cid;







  • 查询 id

  • 查询开始< X


I'm using Cassandra 2.1.2 with the corresponding DataStax Java driver and the Object mapping provided by DataStax.

following table definition:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ses.tim (id text PRIMARY KEY, start bigint, cid int);

the mapping:

@Table(keyspace = "ses", name = "tim")
class MyObj {
    private String id;
    private Long start;
    private int cid;

the accessor

interface MyAccessor {
    @Query("SELECT * FROM ses.tim WHERE id = :iid")
    MyObj get(@Param("iid") String id);

    @Query(SELECT * FROM ses.tim WHERE start <= :sstart")
    Result<MyObj> get(@Param("sstart") long start);

as indicated within the accessor I want to do a query that returns everything where 'start' is smaller or equal than a specific value.

With this definition of the table it's simply not possible. Therefore I tried creating a secondary index:

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS myindex ON ses.tim (start);

this seems to be not working as well (I read a lot of explanations why its decided to not support this, but I still don't understand why somebody would give such restrictions, anyhow..)

so, as far as I understandd, we have to have at least one equals in the WHERE clause

@Query(SELECT * FROM ses.tim WHERE cid = :ccid AND start <= :sstart")

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS myindex2 ON ses.tim (cid);

if this would work I would have to know ALL possible values for cid, and query them separately and do the rest on the client... but the error I get is

Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance

then I tried

id text, start bigint, cid int, PRIMARY KEY (id, start, cid)


@Table(keyspace = "ses", name = "tim")
class MyObj {
    private String id;
    private Long start;
    private int cid;

but still without luck.

furthermore, I tried to set 'start' as PartitionKey, but it's only possible to query with Equals again...

what am I missing? how can I achieve getting results for this type of query?

EDIT: version updated to correct one


You could consider denormalizing your data if you have different query-ability needs for the same set of data. Based on your question, it sounds like you want the following:

  • Query by id
  • Query by start < X

The first query works fine as you indicated with your current schema. The second query however cannot work as is without a secondary index which will be slow for reasons you have already investigated (I always point to this blog post with respect to secondary indexes.

You indicated that you did not want to partition on cid since you would need to know all possible values for cid.

Three ideas I can think of:

  • Create a separate table with a dummy primary key so all of your data is stored in the same partition. This can be problematic though if you have many entries creating a super-wide partition and hotspots on whatever nodes hold that data. How many do you plan on having?

    create table if not exists tim (
        dummy int,
        start bigint,
        id text,
        cid int,
        primary key (dummy, start)

    You could then make queries like:

    select * from tim where dummy=0 and start <= 10;

  • The other option is to use ALLOW FILTERING on your original table which will still do an expensive range query and filter through the data.

    select * from tim where start <= 10 ALLOW FILTERING;

  • Another option is to use something like the spark-connector to create a spark job that makes the query. The connector will break up an expensive range query into smaller tasks and map the data to RDDs, allowing you flexibility to make more complex queries with good performance.


08-18 18:04