

本文介绍了如何从自动更新中禁用Interface Builder文档版本控制?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



查看nib / xib,修改文件,强制我提交更改或撤消更改。这不是问题,直到出现合并冲突。

Viewing a nib / xib, modifies the file, forcing me to either commit the change or undo the change. This is not an issue, until there are merge conflicts.

我在一个由5位iOS开发人员组成的团队中工作,最后几个版本的XCode ,当我们打开文件时(无需进行任何更改),我们遇到了.xib / nib文件被触摸/修改的问题。

Detail:I work in a team of 5 iOS developers, and the last few versions of XCode, we are experiencing an issue with the .xib / nib files getting touched / modified when anyone opens the file (without making any changes).


If one developer thinks "screw it, let me checkin whatever modifications xcode does" and checks it in, it doesn't stop there. the same file on two different machines (with the same version of XCode and MacOS) will again be touched/modified when another developer views that nib.


The thing that usually gets modified in the .xib file is this



But other than that it also modifies or moves around existing key-value pairs within the .xib file.


I have searched a lot on SO and Google, and I haven't seen many posts about this issue.


I had a nightmare of a merge conflicts when I upgraded all nibs to handle the iPhone5 screen, which in itself wasn't too complicated, but got a ton of merge conflicts due to the document versioning.

删除我不理解的代码,当我尝试打开笔尖时导致xcode崩溃。 (我现在修复此问题,恢复到之前的状态)

Deleting code I didn't understand, led to xcode crashing when I tried opening the nib. (I have fixed this for now, by reverting to what it was earlier)


Any advice on how to avoid this issue, is appreciated!

更新:已经注意到这还没有解决,并且仍然经常得到提升。我只是好奇,做任何故事板项目都遇到同样的问题吗? (我还没有在故事板上工作过。)

Update: Have noticed that this is not resolved yet, and still getting upvotes quite often. I am just curious, do any of the storyboard projects experience the same issue? (I haven't worked on storyboards yet).


Update2: To all those who are experiencing the same issue, please file a Radar even if you get a response saying there is an existing radar. it helps bubble the issue to the top and the gods of XCode will address it only then.

Update3:我仍然看到这个帖子和苹果上有不少赞成错误报告仍然是开放的。所以,在提出这个问题之后, ,详情我有在问题中提到(和/或添加你自己的解释)

Update3: I still see quite a few upvotes on this thread, and the apple bug report is still open. So, after upvoting this question, please file a radar, with details I have mentioned in the question (and/or add your own explanation)


Update4: This question is still getting a lot of upvotes. So look at Update3. once you have upvoted, commented, answered, please please please file a radar

Update5:来自2014年WWDC上Apple Engineers的信息,此问题已在Xcode6中修复。一旦我确认已经修复了这个问题,我就会更新这个问题(并且可能会关闭它)。

Update5: Per info from Apple Engineers at WWDC 2014, this issue has been fixed in Xcode6. I'll update this question (and probably close it) once I confirm that this has been fixed.

Update6:希望看到这个问题已修复。将在WWDC2015问这个问题(通过我认识的人去那里)。如果获得WWDC门票的其他幸运者也可以在WWDC 2015上做同样的事情,那将会很棒

Update6: Hoping to see this fixed. Will be asking this at WWDC2015 (through someone I know who's going there). Would be great if the other lucky ones who got a WWDC ticket can also do the same at WWDC 2015

Update7:Xcode 7就在这里,这个bug也是如此:(原始雷达报告(11533872)仍然打开

Update7: Xcode 7 is here, and so is this bug :( The original radar report (11533872) is still open



Version 4.6.3 of Xcode resolves this issue. However, as the comments state, you all need to be running that same version. If four developers are on 4.6.3, and one is on a previous version, then that developer will experience the same issue. However, if they do not commit that change then it will not affect the others.


The two Xib keys affected are:

<string key="IBDocument.AppKitVersion">1187.39</string>
<string key="IBDocument.SystemVersion">12E55</string>

所以,最重要的是,让团队中的每个人都更新到Xcode 4.6.3。

So, bottom line, get everyone on the team to update to Xcode 4.6.3.

这篇关于如何从自动更新中禁用Interface Builder文档版本控制?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-18 17:51