

我已经尝试过在Windows和Linux(Ubuntu)上使用Tincr Chrome扩展程序,它似乎还没有做Live Reloading它声称。 Tin.cr网站声称:

To explain further, I have tried installing this extension as an unpacked extension in Chrome with Developer Mode checked under chrome://chrome/extensions/ as suggested in the Tincr documentation. I have also tried installing this extension directly through the Chrome Web Store. The effect has been the same.

In terms of setting up Tincr, I have tried opening up my file locally without a web server using file://C:/htdocs/file.html which Tincr claims in its documentation it can read automatically without needing any setup, and also I have tried opening up my file via an Apache Web Server on localhost e.g. localhost/file.html and setting up the Project Type in Tincr as Http Web Server as suggested in the documentation, but both ways have been to no avail.

In terms of editing my local file, I have used a number of different external editors, for example, Geany on Ubuntu and Titanium Studio on Windows.

After editing the file in the editor I have left the page I am editing open in my Chrome browser with the Tincr plugin setup and enabled. However, after saving my file in the editor and looking to see if it live reloads in Chrome, nothing happens. The file simply stays the same. Again, to reiterate, this is happening in both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu).

And so my question is this: has anyone successful tried using this extension with an external editor and if so could you please detail the steps to get live reload to work as I'm beginning to think this may be a bug in the extension?


I think I may have an explaination. Having a look at the google groups for Tincr, it appears Tincr does not support html file refresh, and that it can only detect changes in either css or javascript.

source: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tincr-for-chrome-devtools/VyC0mavLs_A


10-21 11:14