


I had a discussion in another thread, and found out that class methods takes precedence over extension methods with the same name and parameters. This is good as extension methods won't hijack methods, but assume you have added some extension methods to a third party library:

public class ThirdParty

public static class ThirdPartyExtensions
    public static void MyMethod(this ThirdParty test)
        Console.WriteLine("My extension method");

按预期工作:ThirdParty.MyMethod - >我的扩展方法

Works as expected: ThirdParty.MyMethod -> "My extension method"


But then ThirdParty updates it's library and adds a method exactly like your extension method:

public class ThirdParty
    public void MyMethod()
        Console.WriteLine("Third party method");

public static class ThirdPartyExtensions
    public static void MyMethod(this ThirdParty test)
        Console.WriteLine("My extension method");

ThirdPart.MyMethod - >第三方方法

ThirdPart.MyMethod -> "Third party method"


Now suddenly code will behave different at runtime as the third party method has "hijacked" your extension method! The compiler doesn't give any warnings.


Is there a way to enable such warnings or otherwise avoid this?


都能跟得上 - 这是扩展方法已知的缺点,有什么东西要非常小心。我个人希望C#编译器会警告你,如果你宣布一个扩展方法,它永远不会调用不是通过正常的静态路由( ExtensionClassName.MethodName(目标,...))。

Nope - this is a known downside of extension methods, and something to be very careful about. Personally I wish that the C# compiler would warn you if you declared an extension method which would never be called other than via the normal static route (ExtensionClassName.MethodName(target, ...)).


It probably wouldn't be too hard to write a little tool to examine all the extension methods in an assembly and issue warnings that way. It probably wouldn't need to be very precise to start with: just warning if there's already a method with the same name (without worrying about parameter types) would be a good start.

编辑:好的...这里是一个的很简陋的工具,至少给一个起点。这似乎至少要工作的部分的使用泛型类型程度 - 但它没有试图做参数类型或名称什么...部分原因是因为这变得棘手与参数数组。它还加载组件充分,而不是只用反射,这将是更好 - 我尝试了正确的路线,但遇到了一些问题,并没有立即小事来解决,所以回落到快速和肮脏的路线: )

Okay... here's a very crude tool to at least give a starting point. It appears to work at least to some extent with generic types - but it's not trying to do anything with parameter types or names... partly because that becomes tricky with parameter arrays. It also loads assemblies "fully" instead of with reflection only, which would be nicer - I tried the "proper" route, but ran into some problems which weren't immediately trivial to resolve, so fell back to the quick and dirty route :)


Anyway, hopefully it'll be useful to someone, somewhere.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;

public class ExtensionCollisionDetector
    private static void Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length == 0)
                ("Usage: ExtensionCollisionDetector <assembly file> [...]");
        foreach (string file in args)
            Console.WriteLine("Testing {0}...", file);

    private static void DetectCollisions(string file)
            Assembly assembly = Assembly.LoadFrom(file);
            foreach (var method in FindExtensionMethods(assembly))
        catch (Exception e)
            // Yes, I know catching exception is generally bad. But hey,
            // "something's" gone wrong. It's not going to do any harm to
            // just go onto the next file.
            Console.WriteLine("Error detecting collisions: {0}", e.Message);

    private static IEnumerable<MethodBase> FindExtensionMethods
        (Assembly assembly)
        return from type in assembly.GetTypes()
               from method in type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static |
                                              BindingFlags.Public |
               where method.IsDefined(typeof(ExtensionAttribute), false)
               select method;

    private static void DetectCollisions(MethodBase method)
        Console.WriteLine("  Testing {0}.{1}",
                          method.DeclaringType.Name, method.Name);
        Type extendedType = method.GetParameters()[0].ParameterType;
        foreach (var type in GetTypeAndAncestors(extendedType).Distinct())
            foreach (var collision in DetectCollidingMethods(method, type))
                Console.WriteLine("    Possible collision in {0}: {1}",
                                  collision.DeclaringType.Name, collision);

    private static IEnumerable<Type> GetTypeAndAncestors(Type type)
        yield return type;
        if (type.BaseType != null)
            // I want yield foreach!
            foreach (var t in GetTypeAndAncestors(type.BaseType))
                yield return t;
        foreach (var t in type.GetInterfaces()
                              .SelectMany(iface => GetTypeAndAncestors(iface)))
            yield return t;

    private static IEnumerable<MethodBase>
        DetectCollidingMethods(MethodBase extensionMethod, Type type)
        // Very, very crude to start with
        return type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.Instance |
                               BindingFlags.Public |
                   .Where(candidate => candidate.Name == extensionMethod.Name);


08-18 17:37