本文介绍了安装 VS 2012 Ultimate 期间的 .NET 4.5 致命错误的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


当我尝试在 Windows 7 32 位 SP1 上安装 VS 2012 Ultimate 时,它给了我下一个错误:

Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 - 安装过程中出现致命错误"



此问题是由您计算机上的防病毒扫描程序引起的.您能否检查防病毒扫描程序日志并查看是否为 c:config.msi 记录了异常?还请告诉我们您的机器上安装了哪种防病毒软件?我们(Microsoft)希望与他们联系以更改他们的产品,以便更好地与安装程序配合使用.

日志文件表明在 MSI 创建/移动备份文件后,其他应用程序(如防病毒扫描程序)正在打开没有 FILE_SHARE_DELETE 的备份文件.

MSI (s) (D8:C8) [11:31:49:844]:产品:Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 -- 安装程序在安装此程序包时遇到意外错误.这可能表明此包有问题.错误代码为2329,参数为:32, C:Config.Msi8265.rbf,

安装程序在安装此包时遇到意外错误.这可能表明此包有问题.错误代码为2329,参数为:32, C:Config.Msi8265.rbf,

解决方法:禁用防病毒软件并在机器上安装 .Net 4.5,然后再次启用防病毒软件.

When I try to install VS 2012 Ultimate on Windows 7 32bit SP1, but it gives me the next error:

My installation log: here

My vslog.cab file: here

I tried to install .NET 4.5 stand-alone, but it didn't work too. .NET 4.5 log error


This issue is caused by antivirus scanner on your machine.Can you please check antivirus scanner logs and see if there is an exception logged for c:config.msi? Also let us know which antivirus you have on the machine? We (Microsoft) would like to reach out to them to change their product to work better with installers.

Log file indicates some other application (like Antivirus scanner) is opening the backup file without FILE_SHARE_DELETE after MSI creates/moves it.

MSI (s) (D8:C8) [11:31:49:844]: Product: Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 -- The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2329. The arguments are: 32, C:Config.Msi8265.rbf,

The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package. The error code is 2329. The arguments are: 32, C:Config.Msi8265.rbf,

Workaround: disable antivirus and install .Net 4.5 on the machine then enable antivirus again.

这篇关于安装 VS 2012 Ultimate 期间的 .NET 4.5 致命错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-18 17:06