我有一个文件名:perforce 中的 test.c,但我想要它作为 Test.c(大写 T).
我试过重命名、删除和添加,但两种方法都没有用!文件在我的机器上得到更新,但是当其他人访问它时,文件仍然存在,test.c本身,而不是Test.C!在这种情况下我能做什么?我在 perforce 目录中有许多同名文件,我想将它们全部重命名.例如:
dir1->test.c , dir2
dir2 ->test.c , dir3
dir1->Test.c , dir2
dir2 ->Test.c , dir3
I have a file of name: test.c in perforce, but i want it as Test.c (capital T).
I tried rename, delete and then add but both methods are not useful! The file gets update in my machine, but when some one else accesses it, the file remains, test.c itself, not Test.c!What can i do in this case?And i have many files of same name inside the directory in perforce, i want to rename them all.Ex:
dir1->test.c , dir2
dir2 ->test.c , dir3
This should become:
dir1->Test.c , dir2
dir2 ->Test.c , dir3
如果在 P4V 中查看树时文件名显示正确,但在客户端计算机上是错误的,请尝试从工作区中删除该文件,然后重新同步.如果文件已经在磁盘上,Windows 将不会重命名该文件,因为它是一个不区分大小写的文件系统.
If the file name appears correct when looking at the tree in P4V, but is the wrong case on the client machine, try removing the file from the workspace and then resyncing. Windows won't rename the file if it's already on disk because it's a case insensitive file system.