




我有一个 Top Panel ,该面板停靠在表单的Top(AutoSize == TrueAutoSizeMode == GrowOnly)上.在其中,我有一个 FlowLayoutPanel 停靠在Fill(AutoSize == TrueAutoSizeMode == GrowOnly),一个普通的 Static Panel 停靠在Right(). 静态面板具有固定的宽度,但是其高度可以拉伸. FlowLayoutPanel 包含许多向右对齐的子元素.

I've got a Top Panel which is docked to the Top of my form (AutoSize == True, AutoSizeMode == GrowOnly). Inside of that I have a FlowLayoutPanel docked to Fill (AutoSize == True, AutoSizeMode == GrowOnly), and a plain Static Panel docked to the Right (AutoSize == False). The Static Panel has a fixed width, but its height can be stretched. The FlowLayoutPanel contains a number of child elements that align to the right.

我想要这样,当用户将表单的大小调整为所有FlowLayout子级不能适合与 FlowLayoutPanel 顶部面板相同的行"时和静态面板的高度都增加了,以使被截断的孩子适合第二条线",也可能是第三条,第四条,依此类推.

I want it so when the user resizes the form to where all of the FlowLayout children can't fit on the same "line" that the FlowLayoutPanel, Top Panel and Static Panel all grow in height to fit the cut off children on a second "line", and possibly third, fourth and so on.


As it stands (in this example), the would-be overlapped children get knocked to the second "line" but none of the heights stretch to show them. I've fiddled in all sorts of ways with various docking and autosize parameters in these various panels.


I figured this wouldn't be too difficult but I can't get it to work using just the features available in design time. Maybe It's not possible or I'm missing something. Thank ya!



I tried multiple things. Here is what worked for me:

TableLayoutPanel(Anchor= Top, Left, RightColumnCount=2 RowCount=1Autosize = TrueAutosizeMode = GrowAndShrink)替换顶部面板,并为Right Column设置x像素的固定宽度(Left Column将调整为100 %)

Replace your Top Panel with a TableLayoutPanel(Anchor= Top, Left, Right, ColumnCount=2 RowCount=1, Autosize = True, AutosizeMode = GrowAndShrink) and give the Right Column a fixed Width of x pixel(Left Column will adjust to 100%)

在左列中输入FlowLayoutPanel(Autosize = TrueAutosizeMode = GrowAndShrinkAnchor= Top, Left, Right)

在右列中放入Panel(Autosize = FalseAnchor= Top, Bottom, Left, Right)

外观如下:蓝色= FlowLayoutPanel,绿色= Panel

Here is what it look:Blue= FlowLayoutPanel, Green=Panel


Before Resize
After Resize


Don't forget to set a min Width to your form. Or it could look like this


08-18 16:12