

在将json-lib-2.4-jdk15.jar从在线源添加到项目依赖项后,我似乎无法解决此问题,提供的屏幕截图显示了我正在做的演练。 (是的,我一再尝试无效缓存并重启)

I cannot seem to resolve this issue after adding the json-lib-2.4-jdk15.jar from an online source to the project dependencies, screenshots provided to show walkthrough of what I am doing. (and yes I have repeatedly tried "Invalidate caches and restart")


这是我的项目结构(cmd +;或文件>项目结构)

This is my Project Structure ("cmd + ;" or "File > Project Structure")


It doesn't seem to work on "Scope" set to Compile either. Note that I added the .jar file as a library too because I'm just really unsure as to why I can't get this to work. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.




You are trying to use org.json.* classes which are provided by another library. The library you want to use is this one: JSON-java. At the bottom you can find the link to the Maven repository where you can get the jar file.


The latest version (at the moment of this reply) direct download link for the jar is here: json-20160810.jar.


Add it to the module dependencies and your problem should resolve.

下次你看到类似的问题浏览外部的库jar里面IntelliJ IDEA项目的库节点视图,查看它包含哪些类以及哪些包。通过这种方式,您可以知道问题是否是由您添加到依赖项中的错误jar引起的,并且实际上并不包含您要使用的类。

Next time you observe similar issue browse inside the library jar under External Libraries node of IntelliJ IDEA project view and see what classes it contains and under which packages. This way you would know if the issue is caused by the wrong jar you've added to the dependencies and which doesn't actually contain the classes you want to use.


08-18 15:49