I'm developing a Cordova plugin, and for the iOS platform, I'd like to incorporate a few existing (non-cordova-specific) Cocoapods. I haven't been able to find any info or examples on how to get this working, and I would've expected this to be a fairly common use-case.
Note that I am not trying to use Cordova as a Cocoapod, for which there is a decent amount of information out there, but rather use Cocoapods from within the iOS platform of a Cordova plugin that I'm developing.
Cordova的 plugin.xml
Cordova's plugin.xml
generally needs to list all project dependencies to bundle things correctly. Does anyone know of a Cordova or PhoneGap plugin which internally uses Cocoapods?
我只是浪费了几个小时才这样我想我会把这个放在任何感兴趣的人身上。 Cordova从Cordova-CLI版本6.4.0 / Cordova iOS版本4.3.0支持与CocoaPods直接集成。
I just wasted several hours on this so I thought I would put this here for anyone who is interested. Cordova as of Cordova-CLI version 6.4.0/Cordova iOS version 4.3.0 supports direct integration with CocoaPods.
<platform name="ios">
...Other iOS platform specific declerations...
<framework src="OpenSSL" type="podspec" spec="~> 1.0.0" />
到插件的plugin.xml文件。 Cordova自动生成.xcworkspace。使用它而不是xcodeproj文件,你很高兴。
To the plugin.xml file for your plugin. Cordova automatically generates an .xcworkspace. Use that instead of the xcodeproj file and you are good to go.