




What exactly is the difference between a final class and having a class constructor as private.


I know both can't be subclassed(correct me if i am wrong). Is their any difference?



A final class cannot be extended. It prevents this

final class FinalClass {


// and later

class ExtendedClass extends FinalClass { // ERROR


这对于像String这样的东西很有用 - 你不希望有人能够覆盖String最常用的对象之一的逻辑,并且能够,我不知道,添加网络并发送您使用的所有字符串。

This is useful for things like String - you wouldn't want someone to be able to overwrite the logic of String, one of the most commonly used Objects, and be able to, oh I don't know, add networking and send all the strings back you use. It's possible to do if you can extend String.


A private constructor cannot be called outside the class.

class PrivateCons {

    private PrivateCons() {


// later
PrivateCons pc = new PrivateCons(); // ERROR

通常这样的工作方式是这样的:java.lang.Math )

Often this ends up working like this: (java.lang.Math is a good example)

class FuncLib {
    private FuncLib() { } // prevent instantiation
    public static void someFunc(...) { }
    public static int anotherFunc(...) { }

b $ b

或者它最终像这样工作// Integer这实际上是

Or it ends up working like this // Integer does this actually

class VerySpecial {

    private static Map<String,VerySpecial> cache;

    public static VerySpecial generate(String data) {
        VerySpecial result = cache.get(data);
        if(result == null) {
            result = new VerySpecial(data);
        return result;

    private String data;

    private VerySpecial() { }

    private VerySpecial(String data) { this.data = data}


当你扩展一个类,你的构造函数默认尝试调用默认的(无参数)构造函数。如果是私有的,那么在扩展它时必须显式地调用非私有构造函数。如果你没有非私有的构造函数来调用你将不能扩展它。感谢您的意见指出这一点。 : - )

When you extend a class, your constructor by default attempts to call the default (no argument) constructor. If that is private, then you must explicitly call a non-private constructor when you extend it. If you have no non-private constructors to call you won't be able to extend it. Thanks for comments for pointing this out. :-)


08-18 14:55