




I am having some trouble interpreting this doubly-linked list:

struct _dnode {
    union {
        struct _dnode *head;
        struct _dnode *next;
    union {
        struct _dnode *tail;
        struct _dnode *prev;

typedef struct _dnode sys_dlist_t;
typedef struct _dnode sys_dnode_t;


And further functions are defined on this list, like, for example finding if given node is head of the list:

static inline int sys_dlist_is_head(sys_dlist_t *list, sys_dnode_t *node)
    return list->head == node;



(i) Why would we need a union here? That too, in this specific way?

(ii)列表和 node 将会是相同类型的指针吗? (请参见 typedef 声明)

(ii) How come both the list and node of the list are going to be pointers of same type? (see typedef declaration)

(iii)如果我声明了此类列表,即 data_node 项目将是 sys_dlist_t 类型的元素:

(iii) If I declare a list of such a type, ie. the data_node items will be the elements of the sys_dlist_t type:

struct data_node{
    sys_dnode_t node;
    int data = 0;
} data_node[2];


and I declare a node such that:

sys_dnode_t *node = NULL;

然后如果我要遍历列表以检查数据 data_node 元素的匹配说一个数字3。我可以通过类型转换 node (当前是指向 sys_dnode_t 的指针)到指向 data_node 的指针?

and then if I want to iterate over my list to check if the data of the data_node element matches say, a number 3. Can I do that by typecasting node (which is currently a pointer to type sys_dnode_t) to a pointer to type data_node?


Now, in the code, this has been done, and it is like:

if (((struct data_node *)node)->data == 3) {

这让我感到困惑。我可能错过了一些代码来解决这个问题,所以请告诉我是否需要更多信息。我们是否可以强制转换一个 node 指针以指向某个包含 node 的结构,然后访问该结构的其他数据?

This bewilders me. I may have missed some code to figure this out, so please tell me if you need more information. Can we typecast a node pointer to point to some struct that contains node and then access other data of the struct? How does this work?


EDIT 1:Few more info on this list:

应该初始化列表,以便头和尾指针都指向列表本身。以这种方式初始化列表可以简化向列表中添加节点或从列表中删除节点的过程。 。


static inline void sys_dlist_init(sys_dlist_t *list)
    list->head = (sys_dnode_t *)list;
    list->tail = (sys_dnode_t *)list;



So convenient, since this list is cyclic. The list structure is a pseudo node in the list. Therefore, the node can be viewed as a list structure and as node in a list.


union _dnode {
    struct {
        union _dnode *head;
        union _dnode *tail;
    struct {
        union _dnode *next;
        union _dnode *prev;

typedef union _dnode sys_dlist_t;
typedef union _dnode sys_dnode_t;


This is also convenient to do, since these pointers refer to the same structure in memory.


You can, because the pointer to the first field in the structure and the pointer to the structure are the same.

A node字段不必是第一个,但是简单的类型转换不能做到这一点。例如:

A node field need not be the first, but then a simple typecasting can not do that. For example:

struct list_elem {
    int foo;
    char *bar;
    sys_dnode_t siblings;

sys_dnode_t *node;
struct list_elem *elem;

elem = (struct list_elem *)((char *)node - offsetof(struct list_elem, siblings));


#define objectof(_ObjectT,_Field,x) \
    ((_ObjectT *)((char *)(x) - offsetof(_ObjectT,_Field)))

elem = objectof(struct list_elem, siblings, node);


08-18 14:49