



一路上,我在 Todo 类中添加了一个构造函数:

Somewhere along the way, I added a constructor to my Todo class:

export class Todo {
  id: number;
  title: string;
  complete: boolean = false;
  editMode: boolean = false;

  constructor(values: Object = {}) {
    Object.assign(this, values);


I don't understand the purpose of the code in the constructor.


My application seems to work both with and without it, but I am hesitant to remove the code




This a method to easily add the values of the parameters of a class to their respective class fields where a class implements that interface or at least has a partial implantation of that interface.

interface IPerson {
  firtName: string;
  lastName: string;

class Person implements IPerson {
  public firtName!: string;
  public lastName!: string;

  constructor(params: IPerson) {
    Object.assign(this, params);


Your application works because you seem to have implemented this in such a way that the callback value of values to also be enough.

此Hack的主要问题是 Object.assign类型不安全。因此,以这种方式使用它与TypeScript背道而驰。

The main issue with this Hack is that Object.assign is not type safe. So using it in this way in a way goes against the point of TypeScript.


If you want to do this in a type safe fashion you are better off using a custom implementation where the type is properly checked. Something like this:

type PDM = PropertyDescriptorMap;

export class ClassSAssign<T> {
  constructor(private objectToSpread: T, private klass: T) {}

  private propertyDescriptorOptions = {
    enumerable: true,
    writable: true

  public apply(): void {
    const map = this.getPropertiesDescriptorMap();
    Object.defineProperties(this.klass, map);

  private getPropertiesDescriptorMap(): PDM {
    return Object.entries(this.objectToSpread).reduce(
      (obj: PDM, entry) => this.getPropertyDescriptorMap(obj, entry),

  private getPropertyDescriptorMap(obj: PDM, [key, value]: [string, any]): PDM {
    return {
      [key]: {


and you can use this utility like this:

class Person implements IPerson {
  public firtName!: string;
  public lastName!: string;

  constructor(params: IPerson) {
    new ClassSAssign(params, this).apply();


If you don't/can't want to use the above, I suggest you at least add some type rigour to protect your class from what values can be passed into it

interface IToDo {
  id?: number;
  title?: string;

export class Todo implements IToDo {
  public id?: number;
  public title?: string;
  public complete: boolean = false;
  public editMode: boolean = false;

  constructor(values?: IToDo) {
    Object.assign(this, values);
