



我想为一个接收类型为 S 的函数和类型为 S 的函数编写类型构造函数,然后将该函数应用于 S并返回结果:

I want to write a type constructor for a function which receives a type S and a function from S to another type then applies that function on the S and returns the result:

// This works but it's tied to the implementation
function dig<S, R>(s: S, fn: (s: S) => R): R {
  return fn(s);

// This works as separate type constructor but I have to specify `R`
type Dig<S, R> = (s: S, fn: (s: S) => R) => R;

// Generic type 'Dig' requires 2 type argument(s).
const d: Dig<string> = (s, fn) => fn(s);

那么我该如何编写 Dig< S> 类型的构造函数,该构造函数推断出传递的 fn 参数的返回类型,而无需我指定 R ?

So how can I write a Dig<S> type constructor which infers the return type of the passed fn argument without me specifying the R?


从TS3.4开始,不支持部分类型参数推断,因此您不容易让编译器让您指定 S 但推断 R .但是从您的示例来看,您似乎并不想像某些具体类型那样推断 R ,而是允许其保持通用性,从而使的返回类型fn 可以是您呼叫 d()时想要的任何形式.

As of TS3.4 there is no support for partial type argument inference, so you can't easily have the compiler let you specify S but infer R. But from your example, it doesn't look like you want to infer R as some concrete type, but allow it to remain generic so that the return type of fn can be whatever it wants to be when you call d().


So it looks like you really want this type:

type Dig<S> = <R>(s: S, fn: (s: S) => R) => R;

这是一种双重通用"类型,从某种意义上说,一旦指定了 S ,您仍然可以获得依赖于 R 的通用函数.这应该适用于您给出的示例:

This is sort of a "doubly generic" type, in the sense that once you specify S you've still got a generic function dependent on R. This should work for the example you gave:

const d: Dig<string> = (s, fn) => fn(s);

const num = d("hey", (x) => x.length); // num is inferred as number
const bool = d("you", (x) => x.indexOf("z") >= 0); // bool inferred as boolean


Okay, hope that helps. Good luck!


08-18 14:38