

参考:在第3轮@MS SDE采访中有人问我这个问题.这不是家庭作业的问题.我也考虑了一下,并在下面提到了我的方法.

Reference:I was asked this question @MS SDE interview, 3rd round. And it's not a homework problem. I also gave it a thought and mentioning my approach below.


Question:Modify a BST so that it becomes as balanced as possible. Needless to mention, you should do it as efficient as possible.


Hint:Interviewer said that this is a logical question, if you think differently you will get the answer. No difficult coding involved.
--> Having said that, I do not think he was expecting me to point to AVL/RB Trees.


My Solution:I proposed that, I would do inorder traversal of tree, take middle element as root of new tree(lets call it new root). Then go to the left part of middle element, take its middle element as root of left subtree of tree rooted new root. Similarly do for right part.Doing this recursively will give the optimal balanced BST.


Why I am posting it here:But he was not satisfied with the answer :( So, is there really a way of doing this w/o going for weights/RB coloring strategy, or was he just fooling around with me?Please put in your expert thoughts.

重复吗?不! 我知道有一个问题,但是请求者提出的解决方案太复杂了,和其他人谈论AVL树.

Duplicate? No!I know there is this question but the solution proposed by requester is too complicated, and other one talks about AVL trees.


您可能希望查看 算法,这是一种O(n)时间,O(1)空间算法,用于将任意二叉搜索树重塑为一个完整的二叉树.直观地讲,该算法的工作方式如下:

You might want to look into the Day-Stout-Warren algorithm, which is an O(n)-time, O(1)-space algorithm for reshaping an arbitrary binary search tree into a complete binary tree. Intuitively, the algorithm works as follows:

  1. 使用树旋转,将树转换为简并的链表.
  2. 通过对链表进行选择性旋转,将链表转换回完全平衡的树.


The beauty of this algorithm is that it runs in linear time and requires only constant memory overhead; in fact, it just reshapes the underlying tree, rather than creating a new tree and copying over the old data. It is also relatively simple to code up.



08-31 06:11