

每个人都知道保持堆栈平衡是一种很好的编程习惯.不过,我想知道的是,是否允许我修改从 Lua 脚本调用的 C 函数中的堆栈值?考虑以下代码:

Everybody knows it is good programming practice to keep the stack balanced. What I'm wondering, though, is whether I'm allowed to modify stack values in a C function called from a Lua script? Consider the following code:

int myfunc(lua_State *L)
    int arg1 = luaL_checkinteger(L, 1);
    int arg2 = luaL_checkinteger(L, 2);

    // pop arg 2
    lua_pop(L, 1);

    // this is to be our return value

    ...do complicated stuff...

    // restore second parameter but set it to nil for convenience's sake
    lua_insert(L, 2);

    // return our table
    return 1;


So the code above replaces the second parameter with nil. Is this allowed or do I have to restore the original value, i.e. would I have to do

lua_pushinteger(L, arg2);



?或者只要 myfunc 返回时堆栈平衡,这不重要吗?

? Or doesn't this matter as long as myfunc returns with the stack balanced?


堆栈值是被调用的 C 函数的属性.你可以对他们做任何你想做的事.对外唯一的影响是函数返回的值.

The stack values are the property of the C function being called. You can do whatever you wish with them. The only effect to the outside is the values returned by the function.

从 Lua 调用的 C 函数不需要保持堆栈平衡,即具有相同的内容或条目数.

C functions called from Lua do not need to keep the stack balanced, that is, with the same contents or number of items it had on entry.


08-28 06:24