



这是我先前问的问题的后续内容.我正在使用 https://github.com/nekocode/android-parcelable-intellij-plugin-kotlin 按照bennyl的建议,我将为构造函数生成的代码更改为

This is a followup to a question I asked earlier. I am using the Android Parcelable plugin from https://github.com/nekocode/android-parcelable-intellij-plugin-kotlinFollowing bennyl's suggestion, I changed the generated code for the constructors to

class ChessClock(context:Context) : TextView(context), Parcelable {
    lateinit var player:String
    constructor(context:Context, p:String, angle:Float) : this(context) {
        player = p
        rotation = angle


and this got rid of the syntax errors I had asked about. I now have another problem that I overlooked at first.


The plugin generated this code for writeToParcel:

override fun writeToParcel(parcel: Parcel, flags: Int) {


constructor(parcel: Parcel) :this() {
    player = parcel.readString()
    rotation = parcel.readFloat()
    mTime = parcel.readLong()
    mState = parcel.readInt()


(Actually, I added the lines with rotation, but that's unimportant.)

现在,构造函数将无法编译. this带下划线,我看到工具提示我希望看到类似

Now, the constructor won't compile. this is underlined and I see the tooltipI would expect to see something like,

constructor(parcel: Parcel) :this(context, parcel.readString(), parcel.readFloat()) {
    mTime = parcel.readLong()
    mState = parcel.readInt()


but if I try that, I get the message, "Cannot access context before superclass constructor has been called." I'm pretty new to kotlin (and android) and I don't understand what's happening here. I've tried invoking super, but it tells me that a call to the primary constructor is expected. I've also tried invoking TextView() but it tells me that a call to this or super is expected.


I don't see that there is a way to write the context to the parcel, (and I'm not sure what this would mean.)


Can you tell me how the code should be modified, and more important, can you explain why?


context以便调用this(context,...)构造函数.但是,您不能将constructor(parcel: Parcel)更改为constructor(context: Context, parcel: Parcel),因为Parcelable需要`constructor(parcel:Parcel)

context needs to be supplied in order to call the this(context,...) constructors. But, you cannot change your constructor(parcel: Parcel) to constructor(context: Context, parcel: Parcel) because Parcelable requires the `constructor(parcel: Parcel)


What's going on? Your class derives from TextView which requires a Context to instantiate. Your primary constructor is doing that...

class ChessClock(context: Context) : TextView(context) ...



Since you've chosen to use a primary constructor, the base class must be initialized by that constructor, and the secondary constructors chain off of the primary.

    constructor(context:Context, p:String, angle:Float) : this(context) ...
    // notice how the secondary constructor has the context with which to
    // call the primary constructor


The error you are seeing is due to the second secondary constructor not supplying a context to the constructor that it is calling (it's calling the first secondary constructor).

    constructor(parcel: Parcel) :this(context, parcel.readString(), parcel.readFloat()) ...
    // compiler error because "context" has no source, there is no
    // parameter "context" being supplied


More importantly, the Parcel constructor was added by the Parcelable Plug-in tool when it added Parcelable Interface to the inheritance (see the example of a Parcelable implementation). And as such, the CREATOR method (the required Parcelable.Creator Interface) expects to find a constructor that takes only a Parcel. You may have to adjust your design, because a Context is not serializable and therefore should not (cannot) be placed in a Parcel. You could look at the CREATOR code and see about modifying that, but I would recommend a design change.

最佳做法"是将业务逻辑与UI逻辑分开.在这里,您已将ChessClock绑定到UI对象TextView.在我看来,"ChessClock"听起来像UI,所以也许您需要一个ChessClockData类作为Parcelable而不是Clock UI来传递.

"Best practice" is to separate your business logic from your UI logic. Here you have tied your ChessClock to a UI object TextView. A "ChessClock" sound to me like UI, so maybe you need a ChessClockData class to pass around as a Parcelable instead of the Clock UI.


08-18 14:20