



参数 f 是派生和 newton_raphson 中的指针函数。

  double derivative(double f(double),double x){...} 


  double derivative( double(* f)(double),double x){...} 

只有前者看起来更好 - 通常当你可以省略括号时,你应该这样做。毕竟它们都相当于

  double((((derivative)))(double(((*(f) )))(double((trouble))),double((x)))){...} 


  double(* f)(double); 


  double f(double); 

仅仅是一个函数声明。函数声明符(包括原型) C11 draft n1570说:



I have been reading about having functions with functions as parameters, and particulary in C, they use function pointers. Let's suppose I want to implement the newton raphson method (in a simple way) for computing zeros in non linear equations.

double derivative(double f(double), double x)
    double h = 1e-9;
    return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h;

double newton_raphson(double f(double), double x0, double tol)
    double xk, diff;

        xk = x0 - f(x0) / derivative(f, x0);
        diff = fabs(xk - x0);
        x0 = xk;
    } while (diff >= tol);
    return xk;

So, to compute an approximation for derivative I need a function that returns a double and takes a double as an argument. Same for computing a root of the function, given the other parameters. My question is, why is this different from declaring function parameters as function pointers? For instance declaring the input parameter f as a function pointer instead of just a function...


The parameter f is a pointer-to-function in both derivative and newton_raphson.

double derivative(double f(double), double x) { ... }

is exactly equivalent to

double derivative(double (*f)(double), double x) { ... }

Only, the former looks nicer - usually when you can omit parentheses, you should probably do so. After all both of them are equivalent to

double ((((derivative)))(double (((*(f))))(double ((trouble))), double ((x)))) { ... }

That I hope will only ever be used in IOCCC.

However, if you're declaring, defining a variable (not a function parameter), you need to use

double (*f)(double);


double f(double);

is just a function declaration. Function declarators (including prototypes) of C11 draft n1570 says:

And6.9.1 Function definitions further says that

additionally it has the following example:


08-18 14:19