

手机,提醒和地图使用不同的3D-Touch Peek UI,可一次选择操作。例如,强制按下提醒,并一次性选择提醒我一天,而不释放手指。它也与使用 UIViewControllerPreviewing API的标准3D Touch预览不同,因为它在左对齐文本旁边显示自定义图标。

Phone, Reminders, and Maps use a different 3D-Touch Peek UI allowing to select an action in one go. For instance, force-press on a reminder and select "Remind me on a day" in one go, without releasing the finger. It also differs visually from standard 3D Touch previews using the UIViewControllerPreviewing API as it displays a custom icon alongside left-aligned text.


I couldn't find a way to do this using the official API. Did I miss something or is this a private API indeed?



I asked my question on the Apple Developer Forums as well and received this reply from Apple:


So it's currently not possible using the official SDK. I filed this enhancement request radar and I encourage you to dupe it if you need this, too!


08-18 14:15