




   结构列表*接下来的; / *指针指向下一个链表节点* /
   字符*海峡; / *指针psented字符串重新$ P $ * /
   诠释计数; / *此字符串出现的#* /
}清单;LIST * CreateList(FILE * FP)
    LIST *根; / *包含列表的根* /
    LIST * newList; / *用于分配新的列表成员* /    而(的fscanf(FP,BUFFMT的s,输入)!= EOF){        了strsize = strlen的(输入)+ 1;        / *创建根节点,如果没有当前根节点* /
        如果(根== NULL){
            如果((newList =(LIST *)malloc的(的sizeof(LIST)))== NULL){
            如果((的char *)malloc的(的sizeof(了strsize))== NULL){
                的memcpy(newList-> STR,输入了strsize); / *复制串* /
                newList->计数= START_COUNT;
                newList->接着= NULL;
                根= newList;
}/ *打印新力链表并返回头指针* /
LIST *的printList(常量LIST *头)
    诠释计数;    为(计数= 1;头= NULL;!=头部流浆>接下来,头部++){
        的printf(%s%D,流浆> STR,流浆>计数);
    返回头; / *,这实际上返回头PTR开始,B / C我想
                            返回头PTR的开始。 * /


有一个未定义的值,所以它不会初始化。第二行 CreateList

  LIST *根= NULL;

另外,还向下有明显的项目的详细信息分配,但一)code未能捕获分配,并保存它的任何地方,以及b)的分配的大小应了strsize ,不是变量本身的长度。有几种方法来解决这个问题,但最直接的是:

  newList-> STR =(字符*)malloc的(了strsize);
如果(newList-> STR == NULL)

I'm trying to create a singly linked list from an input text file for an assignment. I'm trying to do it a little bit at a time so I know my code is not complete. I tried creating the head pointer and just printing out its value and I can't even get that to work, but I'm not sure why. I included the struct, my create list, and print list functions. I didn't include the open file since that part works.

typedef struct List
   struct List *next;   /* pointer to the next list node */
   char *str;           /* pointer to the string represented */
   int count;           /* # of occurrences of this string */

LIST *CreateList(FILE *fp)
    char input[LINE_LEN];
    LIST *root;             /* contains root of list             */
    size_t strSize;
    LIST *newList;          /* used to allocate new list members */

    while (fscanf(fp, BUFFMT"s", input) != EOF) {

        strSize = strlen(input) + 1;

        /* create root node if no current root node */
        if (root == NULL) {
            if ((newList = (LIST *)malloc(sizeof(LIST))) == NULL) {
                printf("Out of memory...");
            if ((char *)malloc(sizeof(strSize)) == NULL) {
                printf("Not enough memory for %s", input);
                memcpy(newList->str, input, strSize);   /*copy string    */
                newList->count = START_COUNT;
                newList->next = NULL;
                root = newList;
        return root;

/* Prints sinly linked list and returns head pointer */
LIST *PrintList(const LIST *head)
    int count;

    for (count = 1; head != NULL; head = head->next, head++) {
        printf("%s    %d", head->str, head->count);
    return head;     /* does this actually return the start of head ptr, b/c I want to
                            return the start of the head ptr. */

root has an undefined value, so it won't initialize. The second line of CreateList should be

LIST *root = NULL;

Also, further down there is allocation apparently for the details of the item, but a) the code fails to capture the allocation and save it anywhere, and b) the size of the allocation should be strSize, not the length of the variable itself. There are several ways to fix it, but the most straightforward would be:

newList->str = (char *)malloc(strSize);
if (newList->str == NULL)


08-18 13:59