我有一个嵌套的表单,保存后,我希望能够单击显示页面上的链接以复制或克隆该表单并打开一个新表单.从那里,我应该能够进行编辑(如新ID)并另存为新记录.我已经看到了一些类似 deep_cloneable gem 的示例,但是我不知道如何实现它.我认为这应该很简单,但是我只是不明白在控制器和显示视图中放置内容的位置.
I have a nested form and once I save, I want to be able to click a link on the show page to copy or clone that form and open a new one. From there I should be able to make edits (like a new id) and save as a new record. I have seen some examples like this deep_cloneable gem, but I have no idea how to implement it. I think this should be simple, but I just don't understand where to put things in the controller and in the show view.
If you want to copy an activeRecord object you can use its attributes to create new one like
you can have an action in your controller which can be called on link,
def create_from_existing
@existing_post = Post.find(params[:id])
#create new object with attributes of existing record
@post = Post.new(@existing_post.attributes)
render "your_post_form"