本文介绍了javascript 中 [].slice.call 的解释?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我偶然发现了这个将 DOM NodeList 转换为常规数组的简洁快捷方式,但我必须承认,我并不完全理解它是如何工作的:

I stumbled onto this neat shortcut for converting a DOM NodeList into a regular array, but I must admit, I don't completely understand how it works:

[].slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('a'), 0)

所以它以一个空数组[] 开始,然后slice 用于将call 的结果转换为一个新数组是吗?

So it starts with an empty array [], then slice is used to convert the result of call to a new array yeah?

我不明白的是call.这如何将 document.querySelectorAll('a') 从 NodeList 转换为常规数组?

The bit I don't understand is the call. How does that convert document.querySelectorAll('a') from a NodeList to a regular array?


这里发生的事情是你调用 slice() 就好像它是 NodeList 的函数一样使用call().slice() 在这种情况下所做的是创建一个空数组,然后遍历它正在运行的对象(最初是一个数组,现在是一个 NodeList)并继续追加元素该对象到它创建的空数组,最终返回.这是一篇文章.

What's happening here is that you call slice() as if it was a function of NodeList using call(). What slice() does in this case is create an empty array, then iterate through the object it's running on (originally an array, now a NodeList) and keep appending the elements of that object to the empty array it created, which is eventually returned. Here's an article on this.


这不对.[].slice 返回一个函数对象.一个函数对象有一个函数call(),它调用将call()的第一个参数赋值给this的函数;换句话说,使函数认为它是从参数(document.querySelectorAll('a') 返回的 NodeList)而不是从数组调用的.

That's not right. [].slice returns a function object. A function object has a function call() which calls the function assigning the first parameter of the call() to this; in other words, making the function think that it's being called from the parameter (the NodeList returned by document.querySelectorAll('a')) rather than from an array.

这篇关于javascript 中 [].slice.call 的解释?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-18 13:47