


Hi I was looking at the following Fragments example on the android site.



I would like to know why certain methods are performed.

为什么,例如,在 detailsFragment 是以下方法进行:

Why for instance, in the detailsFragment is the following method performed:

public static DetailsFragment newInstance(int index) {
    DetailsFragment f = new DetailsFragment();

    // Supply index input as an argument.
    Bundle args = new Bundle();
    args.putInt("index", index);

    return f;

你能不能也简单地初始化 DetailsFragment 并使用setter方法​​来设置首页代替。绕过整个 setArguments

Could you not also simply instantiate the DetailsFragment and use a setter method to set index instead. Bypassing the whole setArguments.

什么是摆在首位使用 setArguments 的地步?难道你不只是使用getter和setter方法​​?

What's the point of using setArguments in the first place? Could you not just use setters and getters?



You can use getters and setters, but by passing in a bundle you don't need to write that code, since it's already there. Also, I believe that these arguments are automatically passed in again if the screen orientation changes, which also makes life easier.


Essentially, setArguments and getArguments is just a design pattern that Google suggests you follow:

每一个片段都必须有一个空的构造,所以可以  当恢复其活性的状态实例化。强烈  建议子类不具有其他构造与  参数,因为这些构造不会被调用时,  片段重新实例;相反,参数可以被供给  主叫方与setArguments(捆绑),后来被片段检索  与getArguments()。   http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Fragment.html

我采取包括需要哪些为您片段操作以及制定者。话又说回来 - 没有什么强迫你做这种方式,正如你知道 - 这不是事情可以作出的唯一方法

I take that to include setters which are needed for your Fragment to operate as well. Then again - there's nothing forcing you to do it this way, and as you know - it's not the only way things could be made to work.


09-24 13:36