


I have a TabLayout, under each tab there is a Fragment (I'm using ArrayPagerAdapter). I've noticed that when I switch many times from a tab to another, my memory usage increase a lot. From my heap snapshot, I can see there are a lot of AutoCompleteTextView instances.


So I am convinced that the problem could be here:

public class MyFragment  {
  public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    final MultiAutoCompleteTextView eInput = (MultiAutoCompleteTextView) v.findViewById(R.id.TextInput);
    EditorListener mEditorListener = new EditorListener();
    eInput.addTextChangedListener(new WhitespaceWatcher());
    eInput.setTokenizer(new SpaceTokenizer());
  class EditorListener implements TextView.OnEditorActionListener
  public boolean onEditorAction(TextView textView, int actionId, KeyEvent keyEvent) {
    MultiAutoCompleteTextView input = (MultiAutoCompleteTextView) textView.findViewById(R.id.TextInput);


But I can't understand where exactly the problem is.



Note to others: the poster and I had an off-SO discussion about this issue, and the poster created this sample app that was able to reproduce the problem.

经过一番挣扎,我得以使 LeakCanary 正常工作.与运输1.3.1相比,它需要1.4-beta1.我需要做的就是添加依赖项,并根据LeakCanary文档设置一个Application子类.然后,启动应用程序,并在活动出现后按BACK.

After some struggling, I was able to get LeakCanary to work. It required 1.4-beta1 versus the shipping 1.3.1. All I needed to do was add the dependencies and set up an Application subclass per the LeakCanary docs. Then, launch the app and press BACK once the activity appears.



Whether this is a framework bug or something introduced by appcompat-v7 and its specific subclass of MultiAutoCompleteTextView, I can't say at present. However, it is definitely not a bug in your code.


Clearing the adapter from the MultiAutoCompleteTextView (setAdapter(null)) in onDestroyView() of the fragment should prevent it from leaking the activity, but the widget itself will still leak. A quick scan of the relevant code does not give me much hope that the leak itself can be fixed without modifications to either the framework (for MultiAutoCompleteTextView) or appcompat-v7 (for its subclass).


08-18 13:29