public class Cage<T extends Animal> {
Cage(int capacity) throws CageException {
if (capacity > 0) {
this.capacity = capacity;
this.arrayOfAnimals = (T[]) new Animal[capacity];
else {
throw new CageException("Cage capacity must be integer greater than zero");
I am trying to instantiate an object of Cage in another class main method:
private Cage<Animal> animalCage = new Cage<Animal>(4);
我收到错误:默认构造函数无法处理由隐式超级构造函数抛出的异常类型CageException。必须定义一个显式的构造函数。有任何想法吗? :o(
I get the error: "Default constructor cannot handle exception type CageException thrown by implicit super constructor. Must define an explicit constructor." Any ideas? :o(
This means that in the constructor of your other class you are creating the Cage class, but that constructor isn't properly handling the exception.
因此,要么在其他构造函数中创建 Cage
类时捕获异常,或使构造函数抛出 CageException
So either just catch the exception when you create the Cage
class in the other constructor, or make the constructor throws CageException