


冲突已经,且永远不应。但是,SHA1很容易受到可发现冲突的在2 ^ 69操作,而蛮力是2 ^ 80th。没有人生成sha1冲突,。

那么什么时候安全使用破碎的散列函数呢?即使一个函数被破坏,它仍然可以是足够大。 ,易受攻击攻击的哈希函数可以仍然用作。我相信这是因为HMAC的安全性取决于其密钥,并且在获得该密钥之前不能发现冲突。一旦你使用的密钥在HMAC它已经破碎,所以这是一个疑问点。什么哈希函数漏洞会破坏HMAC的安全性?





实际碰撞比在MD5和SHA-1上列出的碰撞更容易。可以在等效于 2 操作的时间中找到MD5冲突(其中一个操作是对短消息的MD5的计算)。有关详细信息,请参见和攻击的实现(我写的代码;它发现在平均14秒内在2.4 GHz的Core2 x86在64位模式下的冲突)。

类似地,对SHA-1最好的已知攻击是在 2 操作中,而不是 2 。它仍然是理论的(没有产生实际的碰撞),但它是在可行的范围内。


  • 没有preimage:给定 y ,不可能找到,以便 h(x)= y

  • 没有第二个preimage:给定 x >,则不可能找到 x (不同于 x

  • 没有冲突:它不应该是可行的找到任何 x x sub> 1 )= h(x )

具有 n 位输出的散列函数,在 2 中有通用攻击(其工作与散列函数的细节无关)两个第一属性的操作,以及第三个的 2 操作。如果对于给定的散列函数,找到攻击,通过利用散列函数如何操作的特殊细节,找到比相应的通用攻击更快的前像,第二前像或碰撞,则散列函数被称为bebroken。


HMAC安全性依赖于散列函数必须满足的其他属性;即,压缩函数(其上构建了散列函数的基本砖)充当伪随机函数(PRF)。关于什么是PRF的细节是相当技术性的,但是,大体来说,PRF应该与< em>随机Oracle 不可区分。一个随机的oracle被建模为一个黑盒子,包含一个gnome,一些骰子和一本大书。在一些输入数据上,gnome选择随机输出(用骰子),并在书中写入输入消息和随机选择的输出。 gnome使用这本书来检查他是否已经看到相同的输入消息:如果是这样,那么gnome返回与以前相同的输出。通过构建,您可以在给定的消息上一个随机的oracle的输出没有任何知识,直到您尝试它。



如果压缩函数是PRF,则散列函数自动地抵抗冲突。这是PRF的魔力的一部分。 因此,如果我们可以找到哈希函数的冲突,则我们知道内部压缩函数不是PRF。这不会将冲突变成对HMAC的攻击。能够产生碰撞将无助于打破HMAC。但是,这些冲突证明与HMAC相关的安全性证明不适用。保证无效。这只是一台笔记本电脑:打开的情况不一定打破机器,但后来你是自己的。

在文章中,介绍了对HMAC的一些攻击,特别是对HMAC- MD4。攻击利用MD4(其弱点)的缺点,使其成为非PRF。使用相同弱点的变体在MD4上产生冲突(MD4被完全破坏;一些攻击比哈希函数本身的计算产生冲突更快)。因此,冲突并不意味着HMAC攻击,但是两种攻击都来源于相同的源。注意,虽然伪造攻击的成本为 2 ,这是相当高的(没有实际的伪造产生,结果仍然是理论的),但大大低于电阻HMAC(具有具有 n 位输出的鲁棒散列函数)的预期水平,HMAC应该抵抗高达 2 工作因子; > 对于MD4而言,这是非常不利的。)


对于SHA -1,攻击仍然是理论上的,SHA-1被广泛部署。情况已经这样描述:报警,但没有明显的火或烟,是时候走向出口 - 但不是运行。

有关此主题的详情,请先阅读,Menezes,van Oorschot和Vanstone,这是一个学徒密码学家的必读书(不要与B. Schneier的应用密码学混淆,这是一个写得很好的介绍,但没有那么详尽手册)。

It is trivial to use a secure hash function like SHA256, and continuing to use md5 for security is reckless behavior. However, there are some complexities to hash function vulnerabilities that I would like to better understand.

Collisions have been generated for md4 and md5. According to NIST, md5() is not a secure hash function. It only takes 2^39th operations to generate a collision and should never be used for passwords. However SHA1 is vulnerable to a similar collision attack in which a collision can be found in 2^69 operations, whereas brute force is 2^80th. No one has generated a sha1 collision and NIST still lists sha1 as a secure message digest function.

So when is it safe to use a broken hash function? Even though a function is broken it can still be "big enough". According to Schneier a hash function vulnerable to a collsion attack can still be used as an HMAC. I believe this is because the security of an HMAC is dependent on its secret key and a collision cannot be found until this key is obtained. Once you have the key used in an HMAC it's already broken, so it's a moot point. What hash function vulnerabilities would undermine the security of an HMAC?

Let's take this property a bit further. Does it then become safe to use a very weak message digest like md4 for passwords if a salt is prepended to the password? Keep in mind the md4 and md5 attacks are prefixing attacks, and if a salt is prepended then an attacker cannot control the prefix of the message. If the salt is truly a secret, and isn't known to the attacker, then does it matter if it's appended to the password? Is it safe to assume that an attacker cannot generate a collision until the entire message has been obtained?

Do you know of other cases where a broken hash function can be used in a security context without introducing a vulnerability?

(Please post supporting evidence because it is awesome!)


Actually collisions are easier than what you list on both MD5 and SHA-1. MD5 collisions can be found in time equivalent to 2 operation (where one "operation" is the computation of MD5 over a short message). See this page for some details and an implementation of the attack (I wrote that code; it finds a collision within an average of 14 seconds on a 2.4 GHz Core2 x86 in 64-bit mode).

Similarly, the best known attack on SHA-1 is in about 2 operations, not 2. It is still theoretical (no actual collision was produced yet) but it is within the realm of the feasible.

As for implications on security: hash functions are usually said to have three properties:

  • No preimage: given y, it should not be feasible to find x such that h(x) = y.
  • No second preimage: given x, it should not be feasible to find x (distinct from x) such that h(x) = h(x).
  • No collision: it should not be feasible to find any x and x (distinct from each other) such that h(x) = h(x).

For a hash function with a n-bit output, there are generic attacks (which work regardless of the details of the hash function) in 2 operations for the two first properties, and 2 operations for the third. If, for a given hash function, an attack is found, which, by exploiting special details of how the hash function operates, finds a preimage, a second preimage or a collision faster than the corresponding generic attack, then the hash function is said to be "broken".

However, not all usages of hash functions rely on all three properties. For instance, digital signatures begin by hashing the data which is to be signed, and then the hash value is used in the rest of the algorithm. This relies on the resistance to preimages and second preimages, but digital signatures are not, per se, impacted by collisions. Collisions may be a problem in some specific signature scenarios, where the attacker gets to choose the data that is to be signed by the victim (basically, the attacker computes a collision, has one message signed by the victim, and the signature becomes valid for the other message as well). This can be counteracted by prepending some random bytes to the signed message before computing the signature (the attack and the solution where demonstrated in the context of X.509 certificates).

HMAC security relies on an other property that the hash function must fulfill; namely, that the "compression function" (the elementary brick on which the hash function is built) acts as a Pseudo-Random Function (PRF). Details on what a PRF is are quite technical, but, roughly speaking, a PRF should be indistinguishable from a Random Oracle. A random oracle is modeled as a black box which contains a gnome, some dice and a big book. On some input data, the gnome select a random output (with the dice) and writes down in the book the input message and the output which was randomly selected. The gnome uses the book to check whether he already saw the same input message: if so, then the gnome returns the same output than previously. By construction, you can know nothing about the output of a random oracle on a given message until you try it.

The random oracle model allows the HMAC security proof to be quantified in invocations of the PRF. Basically, the proof states that HMAC cannot be broken without invoking the PRF a huge number of times, and by "huge" I mean computationally infeasible.

Unfortunately, we do not have random oracles, so in practice we must use hash functions. There is no proof that hash functions really exist, with the PRF property; right now, we only have candidates, i.e. functions for which we cannot prove (yet) that their compression functions are not PRF.

If the compression function is a PRF then the hash function is automatically resistant to collisions. That's part of the magic of PRF. Therefore, if we can find collisions for a hash function, then we know that the internal compression function is not a PRF. This does not turn the collisions into an attack on HMAC. Being able to generate collisions at will does not help in breaking HMAC. However, those collisions demonstrate that the security proof associated with HMAC does not apply. The guarantee is void. That's just the same than a laptop computer: opening the case does not necessarily break the machine, but afterwards you are on your own.

In the Kim-Biryukov-Preneel-Hong article, some attacks on HMAC are presented, in particular a forgery attack on HMAC-MD4. The attack exploits the shortcomings of MD4 (its "weaknesses") which make it a non-PRF. Variants of the same weaknesses were used to generate collisions on MD4 (MD4 is thoroughly broken; some attacks generate collisions faster than the computation of the hash function itself !). So the collisions do not imply the HMAC attack, but both attacks feed on the same source. Note, though, that the forgery attack has cost 2, which is quite high (no actual forgery was produced, the result is still theoretical) but substantially lower than the resistance level expected from HMAC (with a robust hash function with an n-bit output, HMAC should resist up to 2 work factor; n = 128 for MD4).

So, while collisions do not per se imply weaknesses on HMAC, they are bad news. In practice, collisions are a problem for very few setups. But knowing whether collisions impact a given usage of hash functions is tricky enough, that it is quite unwise to keep on using a hash function for which collisions were demonstrated.

For SHA-1, the attack is still theoretical, and SHA-1 is widely deployed. The situation has been described like this: "The alarm is on, but there is no visible fire or smoke. It is time to walk towards the exits -- but not to run."

For more information on the subject, begin by reading the chapter 9 of the Handbook of Applied Cryptography, by Menezes, van Oorschot and Vanstone, a must-read for the apprentice cryptographer (not to be confused with "Applied Cryptography" by B. Schneier, which is a well-written introduction but nowhere as thorough as the "Handbook").


08-18 13:22