




struct Foo
    explicit Foo ( void ) { }
    explicit Foo ( Foo&& rhs ) { }

Foo bar ( void )
    return Foo();



问题1:为什么编译器需要的copy-ctor? ?我期望 bar 的返回值将通过带有move-ctor的右值 Foo()构造。

Question 1: Why does the compiler need the copy-ctor of Foo? I expected the return value of bar to be constructed from the rvalue Foo() with move-ctor.


Then I redeclare the move-ctor as implicit and everything compiles successfully.


Question 2: Why the compiler does not need copy-ctor any more when I redeclare the move-ctor as implicit?

问题3: explicit 关键字表示在复制和移动ctor的上下文中,因为它的含义肯定与常规ctor的上下文不同。

Question 3: What does explicit keyword mean in the context of copy and move ctors as it definitely means something different from from the context of regular ctors.



It is because returning a value is considered an implicit conversion.

引用C ++ 11标准:

Quoting from the C++11 standard:

可以使用带有非无效类型表达式的return语句仅在功能上ns返回值;表达式的值返回给函数的调用者。 表达式的值隐式转换为它所出现的函数的返回类型。 return语句可能涉及临时对象的构造和复制或移动(12.2)。 [...]

A return statement with an expression of non-void type can be used only in functions returning a value; the value of the expression is returned to the caller of the function. The value of the expression is implicitly converted to the return type of the function in which it appears. A return statement can involve the construction and copy or move of a temporary object (12.2). [...]


The conversion from the return expression to the temporary object to hold the return value is implicit. So just as this would result in an error

Foo f = Foo();   // Copy initialization, which means implicit conversion


having code as your example would also trigger a similar one.

这是因为 Foo (Foo&&)由于上述原因,不是可行的重载。规则指出,每当无法使用move构造函数时,即是编译器应考虑复制构造函数的情况,在您的情况下,由于存在用户定义的move构造函数而将其隐式删除。

It is because Foo(Foo&&) is not a viable overload, because of the reasons above. The rules state that whenever the move constructor cannot be used, it is when the compiler shall then consider the copy constructor, which, in your case, is implicitly deleted due to the presence of a user-defined move constructor.


It is because your move constructor can be used now. Thus, the compiler can immediately use it without even considering the presence of the copy constructor.


IMHO, it doesn't make sense, and it only leads to problems, just as in your case.


08-18 13:15