



作为练习的一部分,我试图为泛型类定义与特定类型一起使用时的特定行为。更确切地说,我想知道是否可以为泛型类型定义显式转换运算符,即从 list< T> int []

As part of an exercise I am trying to define a specific behavior for a generic class when used with a specific type. More precisely, I was wondering if it is possible to define a explicit casting operator for a generic type, i.e. from list<T> to int[]


No, I know I could simply define a method that does the work, however this is not the goal of the exercise.

假设通用类 list< T> 我试图定义以下显式转换方法

Assuming the generic class list<T> I was trying to define the following explicit casting method

class list<T> {

    public static explicit operator int[](list<T> _t) where T : System.Int32
        // code handling conversion from list<int> to int[]


This doesn't work however. Any ideas on how to make the compiler swallow this?


首先,更改名称遵循.NET约定的类,避免与 List< T> 冲突。

Firstly, please change the name of the class to follow .NET conventions and avoid clashing with List<T>.

因此,您基本上无法做您想做的事情。您可以定义一个对 all T 有效的转换,然后针对不同的情况采取不同的措施。因此,您可以这样写:

With that out of the way, you basically can't do what you're trying to do. You can define a conversion which is valid for all T, and then take different action for different cases. So you could write:

public static explicit operator T[](CustomList<T> input)

然后如果 T int则区别对待。进行最后一部分并不是很好,但是如果您确实想要的话也可以这样做。

and then treat this differently if T is int. It wouldn't be nice to do the last part, but you could do it if you really wanted.


The members available on a particular generic type are the same whatever the type arguments (within the constraints declared at the point of type parameter declaration) - otherwise it's not really generic.


As an alternative, you could define an extension method in a top-level static non-generic type elsewhere:

public static int[] ToInt32Array(this CustomList<int> input)


CustomList<int> list = new CustomList<int>();
int[] array = list.ToInt32Array();


Personally I'd find that clearer than an explicit conversion operator anyway.


08-18 13:06