I am looking at depency injection, I can see the benefits but I am having problems with the syntax it creates. I have this example
public class BusinessProducts
IDataContext _dx;
BusinessProducts(IDataContext dx)
_dx = dx;
public List<Product> GetProducts()
return dx.GetProducts();
BusinessProducts bp = new BusinessProducts(dataContextImplementation);
BusinessProducts bp = new BusinessProducts();
because I feel the first alternative just feels unatural. I dont want to know what the BusinessProduct "depends" on to get the products, also I feel it makes my code more unreadable.
Is there any alternatives to this approach as I would like to keep my original syntax for creating objects but I would like to still be able to fake the dependencies when unit testing or is it this dependecy injection frameworks can do for me?
I am coding in c# but alternatives from other languages is welcome
I use a factory for my context and inject it, providing a suitable default if the provided factory is null. I do this for two reasons. First, I use the data context as a unit of work scoped object so I need to be able to create them when needed, not keep one around. Second, I'm primarily using DI to increase testability, with decoupling only a secondary consideration.
So my business products class would look like:
public class BusinessProducts
private IDataContextFactory DataContextFactory { get; set; } // my interface
public BusinessProducts() : this(null) {}
public BusinessProducts( IDataContextFactory factory )
this.DataContext = factory ?? new BusinessProductsDataContextFactory();
public void DoSomething()
using (DataContext dc = this.DataContextFactory().CreateDataContext())
An alternative to this would be to make the factory property publicly settable and inject an alternate factory by setting the property. Either way if you want to keep the null constructor, you'll need to provide a default.