




Is it possible to define an implicit conversion of enums in c#?


something that could achieve this?

public enum MyEnum
    one = 1, two = 2

MyEnum number = MyEnum.one;
long i = number;


If not, why not?


For further discussion and ideas on this, I followed up with how I currently handle this: Improving the C# enum



There is a solution. Consider the following:

public sealed class AccountStatus
    public static readonly AccountStatus Open = new AccountStatus(1);
    public static readonly AccountStatus Closed = new AccountStatus(2);

    public static readonly SortedList<byte, AccountStatus> Values = new SortedList<byte, AccountStatus>();
    private readonly byte Value;

    private AccountStatus(byte value)
        this.Value = value;
        Values.Add(value, this);

    public static implicit operator AccountStatus(byte value)
        return Values[byte];

    public static implicit operator byte(AccountStatus value)
        return value.Value;


The above offers implicit conversion:

        AccountStatus openedAccount = 1;            // Works
        byte openedValue = AccountStatus.Open;      // Works

这是不是宣告一个正常的枚举(虽然你可以重构上面的一些成一个共同的通用基类)更公平一点的工作。你可以更进一步通过使基类实现IComparable&安培; IEquatable,以及添加方法返回DescriptionAttributes的值,声明的名称等,等

This is a fair bit more work than declaring a normal enum (though you can refactor some of the above into a common generic base class). You can go even further by having the base class implement IComparable & IEquatable, as well as adding methods to return the value of DescriptionAttributes, declared names, etc, etc.


I wrote a base class (RichEnum<>) to handle most fo the grunt work, which eases the above declaration of enums down to:

public sealed class AccountStatus : RichEnum<byte, AccountStatus>
    public static readonly AccountStatus Open = new AccountStatus(1);
    public static readonly AccountStatus Closed = new AccountStatus(2);

    private AccountStatus(byte value) : base (value)

    public static implicit operator AccountStatus(byte value)
        return Convert(value);


The base class (RichEnum) is listed below.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Resources;

namespace Ethica
    using Reflection;
    using Text;

    [DebuggerDisplay("{Value} ({Name})")]
    public abstract class RichEnum<TValue, TDerived>
                : IEquatable<TDerived>,
                  IComparable, IComparer<TDerived>
        where TValue : struct , IComparable<TValue>, IEquatable<TValue>
        where TDerived : RichEnum<TValue, TDerived>
        #region Backing Fields

        /// <summary>
        /// The value of the enum item
        /// </summary>
        public readonly TValue Value;

        /// <summary>
        /// The public field name, determined from reflection
        /// </summary>
        private string _name;

        /// <summary>
        /// The DescriptionAttribute, if any, linked to the declaring field
        /// </summary>
        private DescriptionAttribute _descriptionAttribute;

        /// <summary>
        /// Reverse lookup to convert values back to local instances
        /// </summary>
        private static SortedList<TValue, TDerived> _values;

        private static bool _isInitialized;


        #region Constructors

        protected RichEnum(TValue value)
            if (_values == null)
                _values = new SortedList<TValue, TDerived>();
            this.Value = value;
            _values.Add(value, (TDerived)this);


        #region Properties

        public string Name
                return _name;

        public string Description

                if (_descriptionAttribute != null)
                    return _descriptionAttribute.Description;

                return _name;


        #region Initialization

        private static void CheckInitialized()
            if (!_isInitialized)
                ResourceManager _resources = new ResourceManager(typeof(TDerived).Name, typeof(TDerived).Assembly);

                var fields = typeof(TDerived)
                                .GetFields(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Public)
                                .Where(t => t.FieldType == typeof(TDerived));

                foreach (var field in fields)

                    TDerived instance = (TDerived)field.GetValue(null);
                    instance._name = field.Name;
                    instance._descriptionAttribute = field.GetAttribute<DescriptionAttribute>();

                    var displayName = field.Name.ToPhrase();
                _isInitialized = true;


        #region Conversion and Equality

        public static TDerived Convert(TValue value)
            return _values[value];

        public static bool TryConvert(TValue value, out TDerived result)
            return _values.TryGetValue(value, out result);

        public static implicit operator TValue(RichEnum<TValue, TDerived> value)
            return value.Value;

        public static implicit operator RichEnum<TValue, TDerived>(TValue value)
            return _values[value];

        public static implicit operator TDerived(RichEnum<TValue, TDerived> value)
            return value;

        public override string ToString()
            return _name;


        #region IEquatable<TDerived> Members

        public override bool Equals(object obj)
            if (obj != null)
                if (obj is TValue)
                    return Value.Equals((TValue)obj);

                if (obj is TDerived)
                    return Value.Equals(((TDerived)obj).Value);
            return false;

        bool IEquatable<TDerived>.Equals(TDerived other)
            return Value.Equals(other.Value);

        public override int GetHashCode()
            return Value.GetHashCode();


        #region IComparable Members

        int IComparable<TDerived>.CompareTo(TDerived other)
            return Value.CompareTo(other.Value);

        int IComparable.CompareTo(object obj)
            if (obj != null)
                if (obj is TValue)
                    return Value.CompareTo((TValue)obj);

                if (obj is TDerived)
                    return Value.CompareTo(((TDerived)obj).Value);
            return -1;

        int IComparer<TDerived>.Compare(TDerived x, TDerived y)
            return (x == null) ? -1 :
                   (y == null) ? 1 :


        public static IEnumerable<TDerived> Values
                return _values.Values;

        public static TDerived Parse(string name)
            foreach (TDerived value in _values.Values)
                if (0 == string.Compare(value.Name, name, true) || 0 == string.Compare(value.DisplayName, name, true))
                    return value;

            return null;


08-18 12:36