


I am trying to create a typeclass Default that supplies the default value for a given type. Here is what I have come up with so far:

trait Default[A] {
  def value: A

object Default {
  def withValue[A](a: A) = new Default[A] {
    def value = a

  def default[A : Default]: A = implicitly[Default[A]].value

  implicit val forBoolean = withValue(false)

  implicit def forNumeric[A : Numeric] =

  implicit val forChar = withValue(' ')

  implicit val forString = withValue("")

  implicit def forOption[A] = withValue(None : Option[A])

  implicit def forAnyRef[A >: Null] = withValue(null : A)

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

case class Point(x: Double, y: Double)

object Point {
  implicit val pointDefault = Default withValue Point(0.0, 0.0)

object Main {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    import Default.default


The above implementation behaves as expected, except for the cases of BigInt and BigDecimal (and other user defined types that are instances of Numeric) where it gives null instead of zero. What should I do so that forNumeric takes precedence over forAnyRef and I get the behavior I expect?


之所以选择forAnyRef隐式,是因为根据§6.26.3重载分辨率",它隐含的是forNumeric更具体 Scala参考.有一种方法可以通过将其移至Default扩展的特征来降低其优先级,如下所示:

The forAnyRef implicit is chosen because it is more specific than forNumeric according to §6.26.3 "Overloading Resolution" of the Scala reference. There is a way to reduce its priority by moving it to a trait that Default extends, like this:

trait LowerPriorityImplicits extends LowestPriorityImplicits {
  this: Default.type =>

  implicit def forAnyRef[A >: Null] = withValue(null: A)


object Default extends LowerPriorityImplicits {
  // as before, without forAnyRef

但这只是窍门的一部分,因为现在forAnyRefforNumeric都一样具体,并且您将得到一个含糊不清的隐式错误.这是为什么?好吧,forAnyRef获得了一个额外的特异性点,因为它对A:A >: Null有着非平凡的约束.然后,要对forNumeric添加非平凡约束,您可以做的就是在Default中将其加倍:

But that's only part of the trick, because now both forAnyRef and forNumeric are as specific as each other, and you'll get an ambiguous-implicit error. Why is that? Well, forAnyRef gets an extra specificity point because it has a non-trivial constraint on A: A >: Null. What you can do then, to add a nontrivial constraint to forNumeric, is to double it in Default:

implicit def forNumericVal[A <: AnyVal: Numeric] = withValue(implicitly[Numeric[A]].zero)

implicit def forNumericRef[A <: AnyRef: Numeric] = withValue(implicitly[Numeric[A]].zero)


Now, this additional constraint makes forNumericVal and forNumericRef more specific that forAnyRef for types where a Numeric is available.


08-18 12:33