




I'm trying to learn both typescript and angularjs (and thus javascript as i'm a noob)


going through the angularjs tutorials, I see they do stuff like this:


in normal javascript:

    //for full example, see the "Wire up a backend" project.js example
//on the main page of http://angularjs.org
            function CreateCtrl($scope, $location, Project){
        //do stuff

更重要的是,这些参数可以按任何顺序排列(或根本不存在),而Project实际上是用户定义的变量/类型. angularjs框架能够将参数映射到实际对象.

the kicker is, those parameters could be in any order (or not there at all), and Project is actually a user defined variable/type. The angularjs framework is able to map the parameters to actual objects.


So now to Typescript, how can I recreate this type of functionality? I actually would like to describe angularjs's behavior in some way to let me wrap it in typescript, (strongly type this flexible property injection)



有一个 AngularJS绝对类型上的类型定义,可让您从TypeScript中使用Angular.

There is an AngularJS type definition on Definitely Typed that lets you use Angular from TypeScript.


If I was creating a definition for an existing function such as this (in the absence of named arguments), I would probably either define them in a specific order (even though I know they could be passed in varying orders in plain JavaScript) or create a set of function overloads that matched the possibilities I wanted to expose, like this:

interface Example {
    ($scope: bool, $location: string, Project: number): void;
    ($location: string, $scope: bool, Project: number): void;
    (Project: number, $scope: bool, $location: string): void;

declare var example: Example;


When I attempt to call example( I get intellisense with the three options and if I don't use one of these combinations I get a compiler warning.


In JavaScript, named arguments are normally created with an object, so if I was writing a new method that could accept arguments in this way I would do this...

interface ExampleArguments {
    scope: bool;
    location: string;
    project: number;

var example = function (exampleArguments: ExampleArguments) {


example({ scope: true, project: 4, location: 'hi' });


Which is statically typed and checked in TypeScript.


08-18 12:19