

遵循其他Stack Overflow用户的建议(针对我之前问过的一个问题:最新在地图上进行Foursquare签入)我已经编写了一个基于PHP的Foursquare应用,该应用使用Push API在地图上显示我最新的签到内容,然后可以将其嵌入到我的博客中.

Following the advice of a fellow Stack Overflow user (on a previous question which I asked: Lastest Foursquare check-in on map) I have written a PHP-based Foursquare app which uses the Push API to show my latest checkin on a map which I can then embed into my blog.


Obviously I would like to keep this app private, so that it only shows my latest checkins. I figured the best way would be to keep the app in Developer Mode, but it seems that I can't connect to the app myself (i.e. using the same account as I used to create the app) in this mode. This also means that I can't even test the app is working properly, as I can't send test push messages from my own account when I checkin to certain locations. Is there a way around this issue? Alternatively, what other options are available for keeping the app private?


在开发人员模式"下创建应用程序后,查找Client ID并手动导航至:

After you create the app in "Developer mode", lookup the Client ID and manually navigate to:



08-26 08:22