


In the documentation it's stated that you can query by comparing string to another string value e.g:

citiesRef.where('name', '>=', 'San Francisco');
citiesRef.where('state', '>=', 'CA').where('state', '<=', 'IN');


Then there is this roles part in the documentation that shows how to apply roles in Firestore documents. However it's not shown how to query this.. But as shown in above example, this should work like following:

citiesRef.where(`roles.${user.uid}`, '>', '');


so this query above, should return all documents where is any value bigger than empty string, right?


In my code I have organizations collection with one document:

  "name": "MyAmazingCompany",
  "roles": {
    "my-user-uid": "owner"


And if I try to query organizations where I have some role like this:

organizationsRef.where(`roles.${user.uid}`, '>', '');

我将在我的浏览器控制台中使用onSnapshot捕获 Uncaught错误:错误:缺少权限或权限不足.(使用firebase npm软件包版本5.1.0,也尝试了5.0.3).

I'll just get Uncaught Error in onSnapshot: Error: Missing or insufficient permissions. in my browser console (using firebase npm package version 5.1.0 and tried also 5.0.3).


Just to make sure that I should have access to that document, following query is tested, it works and it returns that one organization.

organizationsRef.where(`roles.${user.uid}`, '==', 'owner');


还有一个人声称它应该可以工作: Firestore选择哪里不为空

Also here is someone claiming it should work: Firestore select where is not null


service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
    function isSignedIn() {
      return request.auth != null;

    function getRole(rsc) {
      // Read from the "roles" map in the resource (rsc).
      return rsc.data.roles[request.auth.uid];

    function isOneOfRoles(rsc, array) {
      // Determine if the user is one of an array of roles
      return isSignedIn() && (getRole(rsc) in array);

    match /organizations/{organizationId} {
      allow read: if isOneOfRoles(resource, ['owner']);
      allow write: if isOneOfRoles(resource, ['owner']);


Like I said, it works if I compare if the role is owner, but I want to get results if user's uid exists in the roles array, no matter what role she is having.



I've also found this part of the documentation confusing (or rather, lacking in quite essential details). Firestore security requires that you follow very specific design patterns regarding you data structure. This comes from the fact that Firebase Security Rules language has less capabilities when expressing rules than simple and compound query expressions you can run against your data.

当试图保护数据库安全时,我逐渐不得不放弃原始的数据抽象思想,并从安全语言所施加的限制重新开始.而不是Firestore文档中建议的角色表示形式( https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/solutions/role-based-access ),我开始应用以下模式.您的用例采用的代码.

When trying to secure my database, I gradually had to give up my original data abstraction ideas, and start again from the limitations that the security language imposes. Instead of the proposed roles representation in Firestore documentation (https://firebase.google.com/docs/firestore/solutions/role-based-access), I started to apply the following pattern. Code adopted to your use case.

  "name": "MyAmazingCompany",
  "roles": {
    "anyRole": ["user-id-1", "user-id-2", "user-id-3", "user-id-4"],
    "owners": ["user-id-1"],
    "editors": ["user-id-2"],
    "readers": ["user-id-3", "user-id-4"],

因此,从本质上讲,角色对象的属性是不同的角色级别,属于给定角色的用户以id数组的形式存储在角色属性下.还有一个名为 anyRole 的附加元角色,它用作方便集合,使查询更容易.

So, in essence, different role levels are the properties of the role object, and users belonging to a given role stored as an array of ids under the role property. There is an additional meta role called anyRole, which serves as a convenience collection to make queries easier.


Firebase security rules are as follows:

rules_version = '2';

service cloud.firestore {
  match /databases/{database}/documents {
        match /organizations/{organization} {

      function hasReadPermission(res) {
        let anyRole = request.auth.uid in res.data.accessors.anyRole;
        return anyRole;

      function hasWritePermission(res) {
        let owner = request.auth.uid in res.data.accessors.owners;
        let editor = request.auth.uid in res.data.accessors.editors;
        return owner || editor;

      allow read: if hasReadPermission(resource);
      allow write: if hasWritePermission(resource);

最后,使用 roles.anyRole


Get all documents the user has access to:

organizationsRef.where(`roles.anyRole`, 'array-contains', user.uid);


Get all documents owned by the user:

organizationsRef.where(`roles.owner`, 'array-contains', user.uid);


08-18 10:57