



我有一个* .swf文件的文件夹.我必须将fileInformation放入列表中.在下面,我创建了一个对象,当我添加到列表中时,它仅返回空详细信息.找到我做过薄雾的地方.在此帮助我

I have a Folder of *.swf files.i have to get the fileInformation in to List.Here in below i have created an object,when i am adding into the list it returns null details only.I coudn''t find where i have done the mistae.Help me in this

public List<Course> FileInfoSelected(string pathFolder)
        List<Course> courses = new List<Course>();
        string FilePath="C:\\magnil\\Gavas\\"+pathFolder;
        DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(FilePath);
        FileInfo[] filedetails = dir.GetFiles("*.swf");
        foreach (FileInfo FI in filedetails)
            courses.Add(new Course(FI.Name, FI.Length,FI.LastAccessTime));
        return courses;


FileInfo[] filedetails = dir.GetFiles("*.swf");


By putting debug point make sure that you are getting filedetails.

courses.Add(new Course(FI.Name, FI.Length,FI.LastAccessTime));

为此,请确保您的Class Course具有带有三个参数的constructor
并且您已经使用public property作为这些参数,
为了可以访问它,并且正在constructer 内部初始化这些parameter 的值,这样它就不会获取NULL值.

如果有帮助,请 投票 接受答案 .

For this make sure your Class Course having constructor with three args,
and also you have used public property for those parameters,
So that it can be accessed and inside the constructer you are initializing the value of those parameter so that it doesn''t get NULL values.

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08-18 10:37