

本文介绍了如何给忽略了最低具有SQL Server安装在计算机上运行与SQL数据库应用的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


SQL数据库的一些数据的滑块的应用程序。我使用Visual Studio 2010和Microsoft SQL Server 2008中。

I have developed an application that have a slider that showing some data from aSQL Database. I'm using Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft SQL Server 2008.

中的问题时,问题是应用程序无法连接的SQL数据库。我试图找出问题的原因,所以它的两台机器上部署后,我试了一下,他们中的一个上安装了一个SQL服务器,而另一个没有在SQL Server。

In fact i don't face any problem with my application when i deploy it an run it on my Personal Computer.The problem occurs when i try it on another machine, and the problem is that the application couldn't be connected the SQL database. I tried to figure out the reason of the problem, so i tried it after its deployment on two machines, one of them have a SQL server installed on it, and the other one don't have the SQL Server.The Application worked perfectly on the machine that have the SQL Server installed on it, and it couldn't be connected to the database on the other machine.


This is the Connection String i have used in my application>>

的connectionString =数据
来源= .\SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename = | DataDirectory目录| \KBank.mdf;集成

因此,如果还有一种方法,可以让我跑,而不需要机器安装了SQL Server的应用程序,我将不胜感激。谢谢

so if there is a way that could enable me to run the application without needing the machine to have a SQL Server installed, i would be grateful. Thanks



You need to change the connection string to specify the computer the database is installed on. Something like the following:

的connectionString =数据源= machine\SQLEXPRESS; AttachDbFilename = | DataDirectory目录| \KBank.mdf;集成安全=真;用户实例=真


Please note: The database on the other machine needs to be configured properly so it can be accessed from other machines.

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08-18 10:27