我不确定微软是否注意到由于Visual Studio的发布管理不佳而导致它崩溃。
I am not sure if Microsoft is noticing that it is falling apart due to poor release management of Visual Studio.
VS 2015,它这是一个地狱,因为我一直面对这个版本的许多不同的方式。
VS 2015, It been a hell as I have been facing with this version many different ways.
我最近安装了一个组件,Office产品,它搞砸了其他不相关的组件,apache cordova。
I recently installed one component, Office Products, which screwed other unrelated component, apache cordova.
I had to again uninstall entire VS and reinstall, now it removed all my task bar icons.
What the hell happening around, I could not understand!!!
Microsoft must serious think about good release manager there, Microsoft will have Directors as their heads, there are mostly nontechies and 1/2 baked fellow speaking fancy around heading the departments but there seems to be situation has been resulting to more and more worsen w.r.t VS tools and releases.
They are wasting hell lot of developer and client's time with release those are "incomplete" and "later releasing the KB" to fix the earlier bugs with incomplete releases.
Microsoft better bring in some techies here as directors instead of mgmt geeks.
FWIW,Microsoft知道Visual Studio 2002-2015以及后续服务包或更新的设置可能会因隔离不良而导致问题。他们正在使用这些方法在VS 2017中修复它:
FWIW, Microsoft knows that the setups Visual Studio 2002-2015 and subsequent service packs or updates can cause problems because of poor isolation. They are fixing it in VS 2017 with these approaches:
1)VS 2017设置非常模块化。您只需安装"工作负载"即可。 /"个别组件"你需要的。
1) The VS 2017 setup is incredibly modular. You install just the "workloads" / "individual components" that you need.
2)VS 2017使用自己的私有注册表密钥,它将VS 2017与其他VS版本隔离开来,并且不能搞砸整个计算机。
2) VS 2017 uses its own private Registry key, which isolates VS 2017 from other VS versions, and cannot screw the whole computer.
3)VS 2017避免全局程序集缓存(GAC)使用自己的私人文件夹安装文件。
3) VS 2017 avoids the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) to install files, using its own private folders.
由于2和3,几个VS 2017版本(社区) ,Professional,Enterprise)可以在同一台机器上共存,这是以前从未见过的。
As a result of 2 and 3, several VS 2017 editions (Community, Professional, Enterprise) can coexist on the same machine, something never seen before.
4) They can ship frequent updates to fix things that unfortunately may ship broken. As example, an update was released just a few days after the RTM.
这篇关于Visual Studio 2015为什么这个VS2015安装在整个计算机上安装?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!