


I run a forum and there's an option to enable full html coding in posts. However, it does not have the option to disable javascript and tags, to my chagrin. For security reasons, I wanted to disable them, which brings me to the question: is there any way via jquery or javascript to accomplish this? I have been searching for it but to no avail.

注意:所有帖子都包含在<div class="postcolor"></div>标记中.

Note: All posts are enclosed in <div class="postcolor"></div> tags.



实际上,这个问题比您想象的要复杂.即使删除脚本标签,当用户插入<a href="javascript:function();">,之类的内容或禁用Javascript时,会发生什么情况?

This question is actually more complicated then you think. Even if you remove script tags, what happens when the user inserts something like <a href="javascript:function();">,, or Javascript is disabled?


It would be much better to use a server-side language to do this processing for you. Since PHP is a commonly used server-side language, here's PHP's strip_tags() function (as an example):

$allowed_tags = "<p><strong><i>";
strip_tags($post, $allowed_tags);


08-18 10:14