I have a simple question (I hope this). I have a service that return a string as result. The format is something like this:
"Test1:关联已被接受.\ nTest2:关联已被接受.\ n"
"Test1: the association has been accepted.\nTest2: the association has been accepted.\n""
在客户端(我使用的是Angular 1.5.x),我将该字符串放入对象中(例如变量$ scope.alert.message).之后,我想以模式打印该字符串.我的html是:
On the client side (I'm using Angular 1.5.x) I put that string into a object (say the variable $scope.alert.message). After that I want to print that string in a modal. My html is:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="infoTemplate.html">
<div class="modal-header left" ng-class="['div-' + alert.type, closeable ? 'alert-dismissible' : null]">
<h3 class="modal-title" id="modal-title">Info</h3>
<div class="modal-body" id="modal-body">
<img class="imm-info" ng-class="['imm-' + alert.type, closeable ? 'alert-dismissible' : null]" />
<p class="col-sm-10 col-sm-offset-2">{{alert.message}}</p><button class="col-sm-3 col-sm-offset-5 btn " ng-class="['button-' + alert.type, closeable ? 'alert-dismissible' : null]" ng-click="cancel()">OK</button>
您可以看到"{{alert.message}}".我的问题是我的消息不显示"字符"\ n".因此,它不会创建多于一行.此处的示例:
You can see the '{{alert.message}}'. My problem is that my message "doesn't display" the character '\n'. So it doesn't create more than one line. An example here:
<pre>{{ alert.message }}</pre>