私有 void Listbox_SelectedIndexChanged( object 发件人, EventArgs e)
如果 (lstTransactions.SelectedIndex!= -1)
交易 thisTransaction =( 交易 )lstTransactions.SelectedItem;
txtPayee.Text = thisTransaction.payee;
txtCheck.Text = thisTransaction.checkNumber;
txtAmount.Text = thisTransaction.Amount.ToString();
txtDate.Text = thisTransaction.Date.ToString();
switch (thisTransaction.Type)
案例 "存款" :
b rbDeposit.Checked = true ;   ;
break ;
案例 "提款" :
b rbWithdrawal.Checked = true ;   ;
break ;
案例 "服务 费用" :
b rbServiceFee.Checked = true ;   ;
break ;
使用系统; 使用System.Collections.Generic; 使用System.ComponentModel; 使用System.Data; 使用System.Drawing; 使用System.Linq; 使用System.Text; 使用System.Windows.Forms; 命名空间Account_Balance { 公共局部类BalanceForm:Form { 公共BalanceForm() { InitializeComponent(); } //创建一个类来引用不同的交易类型 枚举transactionTypes {存款,提款,serviceFee} //初始化表单级变量 私有小数currentBalance = 0m,clearedBalance = 0m; int currentIndex = 1; 交易[]记录=新交易[21]; //创建一个变量来存储交易类型. transactionTypes transType; 结构交易 { 公共DateTime日期; 公开字符串收款人; 公共小数金额; 公共字符串类型; 公共字符串checkNumber; 公共字符串ToString(DateTime日期,字符串类型,十进制数量) { 如果(类型!=存款") 返回date.ToString("d").PadRight(13)+ type.PadRight(21)+(金额* -1).ToString("C"); 返回date.ToString("d").PadRight(13)+ type.PadRight(22)+ amount.ToString("C"); } } //显示标题信息. 私人void DisplayHeader() { lstTransactions.Items.Add(日期" .PadRight(13)+交易类型" .PadRight(22)+金额"); } 私人void DisplayBalance() { lblCurrent.Text = currentBalance.ToString("C"); lblCleared.Text = clearedBalance.ToString("C"); } 私人无效Listbox_SelectedIndexChanged(对象发送者,EventArgs e) { 如果(lstTransactions.SelectedIndex!= -1) { 交易thisTransaction =(Transaction)lstTransactions.SelectedItem; txtPayee.Text = thisTransaction.payee; txtCheck.Text = thisTransaction.checkNumber; txtAmount.Text = thisTransaction.Amount.ToString(); txtDate.Text = thisTransaction.Date.ToString(); 开关(thisTransaction.Type) { 案例存款": rbDeposit.Checked = true; 休息; 案例提款": rbWithdrawal.Checked = true; 休息; 案例服务费": rbServiceFee.Checked = true; 休息; } } } //如果类型为提款,请验证可用资金 私人布尔isValidTransaction(小数,transactionTypes类型) { 如果(类型== transactionTypes.withdrawal) { 如果(金额> currentBalance) 返回false; } 返回true; } //加载表单时,使用适当的交易类型标记单选按钮 私有void BalanceForm_Load(对象发送者,EventArgs e) { rbDeposit.Tag = transactionTypes.deposit; rbServiceFee.Tag = transactionTypes.serviceFee; rbWithdrawal.Tag = transactionTypes.withdrawal; ClearData(); DisplayHeader(); } 私有字符串SetType() { 字符串类型="; 如果(rbDeposit.Checked) 类型=存款"; 否则,如果(rbServiceFee.Checked) 类型=服务费"; 别的 类型=提款"; 返回类型; } //根据选中的单选按钮更改交易类型. 私有void RadioButtons_CheckedChanged(object sender,EventArgs e) { RadioButton rb =(RadioButton)sender; 如果(rb.Checked) transType =(transactionTypes)rb.Tag; } //确认我们有一个有效日期,如果有效则返回实际日期,如果无效则返回当前日期前一天的日期以表示无效日期. 私有DateTime isValidDate(字符串输入) { DateTime值; 如果(DateTime.TryParse(entry,out value)) { 如果(值> DateTime.Today) 值= DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); } 别的 值= DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); 返回值; } //确认我们有一个有效的金额,如果有效则返回实际金额,如果无效则将金额发送回-1表示无效金额. 私有十进制isValidAmount(字符串输入) { 十进制值; 如果(decimal.TryParse(entry,out value)) { 如果(值< = 0) 值= -1; } 别的 值= -1; 返回值; } //确认有效的输入,如果全部有效,则返回金额.如果有任何错误,则显示一条消息,通知用户错误 私有十进制isValidEntries() { 字符串消息="; 十进制数量 布尔答案= true; 如果(isValidDate(txtDate.Text)== DateTime.Today.AddDays(1)) { 答案=错误; message =请输入今天或之前的有效日期"; } amountEntry = isValidAmount(txtAmount.Text); 如果(amountEntry == -1) { 答案=错误; 消息+ ="\ n" +金额必须是大于零的数字". } 如果(rbWithdrawal.Checked) { 如果(txtPayee.Text ==") { 答案=错误; 消息+ ="\ n" +必须输入收款人才能提款"; } } 如果(答案) { 如果(!isValidTransaction(amountEntry,transType)) { 答案=错误; 消息=资金不足以完成该交易."; } errorProvider1.Clear(); } 如果(!answer) { amountEntry = -1; errorProvider1.SetError(btnCalculate,message); } 返回金额 } //所有条目此时都有效,确定交易类型并据此进行计算. 私有void CalculateBalance(十进制数量) { 如果(transType!= transactionTypes.deposit) 数量* = -1; currentBalance + =金额; 如果(chkCleared.Checked) clearedBalance + =金额; } 私有void LoadArray() { record [currentIndex] .Date = isValidDate(txtDate.Text); record [currentIndex] .Amount = isValidAmount(txtAmount.Text); record [currentIndex] .checkNumber = txtCheck.Text; record [currentIndex] .payee = txtPayee.Text; record [currentIndex] .Type = SetType(); currentIndex ++; } //使用用户的新余额更新已清除标签和当前标签.在用户进行交易时生成交易列表, //跟踪日期,金额,类型以及是否处理了交易. 私有void DisplayData() { lstTransactions.Items.Add(record [currentIndex] .ToString(isValidDate(txtDate.Text),SetType(),isValidAmount(txtAmount.Text)))); DisplayBalance(); } 私有void ClearData() { //清除所有文本框的另一个事务条目并重置焦点. txtDate.Clear(); txtPayee.Clear(); txtCheck.Clear(); txtAmount.Clear(); txtAmount.Focus(); rbWithdrawal.Checked = true; chkCleared.Checked = false; } 私人无效btnReset_Click(对象发送者,EventArgs e) { //将当前余额重置为零,并显示给用户. currentBalance = 0m; clearedBalance = 0m; DisplayBalance(); lstTransactions.Items.Clear(); DisplayHeader(); ClearData(); } 私有无效btnClear_Click(对象发送者,EventArgs e) { //清除所有文本框的另一个事务条目并重置焦点. ClearData(); } //调用必要的过程以验证所有条目,设置错误消息(如果需要),计算余额并显示余额. 私有无效btnCalculate_Click(对象发送者,EventArgs e) { 十进制数= isValidEntries(); 如果(金额!= -1) { CalculateBalance(金额); LoadArray(); DisplayData(); } } 私有void exitToolStripMenuItem1_Click(对象发送者,EventArgs e) { //关闭表单的此实例. this.Close(); } } }
Hey all so I figured I would post up my code and hopefully get some help here: The specific part I am having trouble with is when I try to cast the data back into an instance of my structure in order to display the information to the user here:
if(lstTransactions.SelectedIndex != -1)
//This underlined piece of code does not show any errors with the squiggly lines and the program compiles fine until I try to click on one of the entries in the listbox.I get an exception thrown saying "Specified cast is not valid." Any help would be wonderful, this is a work in progress so there is code that I still need to write to finish this project but I need to get past this road block.
TransactionthisTransaction = (Transaction)lstTransactions.SelectedItem;
txtPayee.Text = thisTransaction.payee;
txtCheck.Text = thisTransaction.checkNumber;
txtAmount.Text = thisTransaction.Amount.ToString();
txtDate.Text = thisTransaction.Date.ToString();
rbDeposit.Checked =true;
rbWithdrawal.Checked =true;
case"Service Fee":
rbServiceFee.Checked =true;
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace Account_Balance { public partial class BalanceForm : Form { public BalanceForm() { InitializeComponent(); } //Create a class to refer to different transaction types enum transactionTypes { deposit, withdrawal, serviceFee } //initialize form level variables private decimal currentBalance = 0m,clearedBalance = 0m; int currentIndex = 1; Transaction[] record = new Transaction[21]; //Create a variable to store the transaction Type. transactionTypes transType; struct Transaction { public DateTime Date; public string payee; public decimal Amount; public string Type; public string checkNumber; public string ToString(DateTime date, string type, decimal amount) { if (type != "Deposit") return date.ToString("d").PadRight(13) + type.PadRight(21) + (amount * -1).ToString("C"); return date.ToString("d").PadRight(13) + type.PadRight(22) + amount.ToString("C"); } } //Display Header information. private void DisplayHeader() { lstTransactions.Items.Add("Date".PadRight(13) + "Transaction Type".PadRight(22) + "Amount"); } private void DisplayBalance() { lblCurrent.Text = currentBalance.ToString("C"); lblCleared.Text = clearedBalance.ToString("C"); } private void Listbox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (lstTransactions.SelectedIndex != -1) { Transaction thisTransaction = (Transaction)lstTransactions.SelectedItem; txtPayee.Text = thisTransaction.payee; txtCheck.Text = thisTransaction.checkNumber; txtAmount.Text = thisTransaction.Amount.ToString(); txtDate.Text = thisTransaction.Date.ToString(); switch (thisTransaction.Type) { case "Deposit": rbDeposit.Checked = true; break; case "Withdrawal": rbWithdrawal.Checked = true; break; case "Service Fee": rbServiceFee.Checked = true; break; } } } //Verify the funds available if type is a withdrawal private bool isValidTransaction(decimal amount, transactionTypes type) { if (type == transactionTypes.withdrawal) { if (amount > currentBalance) return false; } return true; } //Tag the radio buttons with the appropriate transaction type when the form loads private void BalanceForm_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { rbDeposit.Tag = transactionTypes.deposit; rbServiceFee.Tag = transactionTypes.serviceFee; rbWithdrawal.Tag = transactionTypes.withdrawal; ClearData(); DisplayHeader(); } private string SetType() { string type = ""; if (rbDeposit.Checked) type = "Deposit"; else if (rbServiceFee.Checked) type = "Service Fee"; else type = "Withdrawal"; return type; } //Change the transaction type according to the radio button selected. private void RadioButtons_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadioButton rb = (RadioButton)sender; if (rb.Checked) transType = (transactionTypes)rb.Tag; } //Confirm we have a valid date, return the actual date if valid, if invalid send back a date one day ahead of current date to signify an invalid date. private DateTime isValidDate(string entry) { DateTime value; if (DateTime.TryParse(entry, out value)) { if (value > DateTime.Today) value = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); } else value = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1); return value; } //Confirm we have a valid amount, return the actual amount if valid, if invalid send back the amount as -1 to signify an invalid amount. private decimal isValidAmount(string entry) { decimal value; if (decimal.TryParse(entry, out value)) { if (value <= 0) value = -1; } else value = -1; return value; } //Confirm valid entries, if all are valid, return the amount. If any are invalid, display a message to user notifying them of the error private decimal isValidEntries() { string message = ""; decimal amountEntry; bool answer = true; if (isValidDate(txtDate.Text)== DateTime.Today.AddDays(1)) { answer = false; message = "Please enter a valid date on or before today"; } amountEntry = isValidAmount(txtAmount.Text); if (amountEntry == -1) { answer = false; message += "\n" + "Amount must be a number greater than zero."; } if (rbWithdrawal.Checked) { if (txtPayee.Text == "") { answer = false; message += "\n" + "Payee must be entered for a Withdrawal"; } } if (answer) { if (!isValidTransaction(amountEntry, transType)) { answer = false; message = "Insufficient funds to complete this transaction."; } errorProvider1.Clear(); } if (!answer) { amountEntry = -1; errorProvider1.SetError(btnCalculate, message); } return amountEntry; } //All entries are valid at this point, determine the transaction type and calculate accordingly. private void CalculateBalance(decimal amount) { if (transType != transactionTypes.deposit) amount *= -1; currentBalance += amount; if (chkCleared.Checked) clearedBalance += amount; } private void LoadArray() { record[currentIndex].Date = isValidDate(txtDate.Text); record[currentIndex].Amount = isValidAmount(txtAmount.Text); record[currentIndex].checkNumber = txtCheck.Text; record[currentIndex].payee = txtPayee.Text; record[currentIndex].Type = SetType(); currentIndex++; } //Update the cleared and current labels with the new balances for the user. Generate a list of transaction as the user makes them, //keeping track of the date, amount, type, and if the transaction was processed. private void DisplayData() { lstTransactions.Items.Add(record[currentIndex].ToString(isValidDate(txtDate.Text), SetType(), isValidAmount(txtAmount.Text))); DisplayBalance(); } private void ClearData() { //Clear all textboxes for another transaction entry and reset focus. txtDate.Clear(); txtPayee.Clear(); txtCheck.Clear(); txtAmount.Clear(); txtAmount.Focus(); rbWithdrawal.Checked = true; chkCleared.Checked = false; } private void btnReset_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Reset the current balance back to zero and displaying this to the user. currentBalance = 0m; clearedBalance = 0m; DisplayBalance(); lstTransactions.Items.Clear(); DisplayHeader(); ClearData(); } private void btnClear_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Clear all textboxes for another transaction entry and reset focus. ClearData(); } // Call the necessary procedures to valid all entries, set error messages (if needed), calculate balances and display balances. private void btnCalculate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { decimal amount = isValidEntries(); if (amount != -1) { CalculateBalance(amount); LoadArray(); DisplayData(); } } private void exitToolStripMenuItem1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Close this instance of the form. this.Close(); } } }