




I've searched around and I just can't get this to work. I think I just don't know the proper syntax, or just doesn't quite grasp the context.

我有一个包含公共整数的 BombDrop 脚本.我把它用于公共静态,但有人说这是一个非常糟糕的编程习惯,我应该学习封装.这是我写的:

I have a BombDrop script that holds a public int. I got this to work with public static, but Someone said that that is a really bad programming habit and that I should learn encapsulation. Here is what I wrote:

BombDrop 脚本:

 <!-- language: c# -->

 public class BombDrop : MonoBehaviour {

 public GameObject BombPrefab;

 //Bombs that the player can drop
 public int maxBombs = 1;

 // Update is called once per frame
 void Update () {

 if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space)){

         if(maxBombs > 0){

         //telling in console current bombs
         Debug.Log("maxBombs = " + maxBombs);


 void DropBomb(){

     // remove one bomb from the current maxBombs
     maxBombs -= 1;

     // spawn bomb prefab
     Vector2 pos = transform.position;
     pos.x = Mathf.Round(pos.x);
     pos.y = Mathf.Round(pos.y);
     Instantiate(BombPrefab, pos, Quaternion.identity);


所以我希望附加到预制游戏对象 Bombprefab 的 Bomb 脚本访问 BombDrop 中的 maxBombs 整数,这样当炸弹被摧毁时,它会将 BombDrop 中的 maxBombs 加 1.

So I want the Bomb script that's attached to the prefabgameobject Bombprefab to access the maxBombs integer in BombDrop, so that when the bomb is destroyed it adds + one to maxBombs in BombDrop.

这是需要参考的 Bomb 脚本.

And this is the Bomb script that needs the reference.

 public class Bomb : MonoBehaviour {
 // Time after which the bomb explodes
 float time = 3.0f;

 // Explosion Prefab
 public GameObject explosion;

 BoxCollider2D collider;

 private BombDrop BombDropScript;

 void Awake (){

     BombDropScript = GetComponent<BombDrop> ();

 void Start () {

     collider = gameObject.GetComponent<BoxCollider2D> ();

     // Call the Explode function after a few seconds
     Invoke("Explode", time);


 void OnTriggerExit2D(Collider2D other){

     collider.isTrigger = false;

 void Explode() {
     // Remove Bomb from game

     // When bomb is destroyed add 1 to the max
     // number of bombs you can drop simultaneously .
     BombDropScript.maxBombs += 1;

     // Spawn Explosion


In the documentation it says that it should be something like

BombDropScript = otherGameObject.GetComponent<BombDrop>();

但这行不通.也许我只是不明白这里的语法.是不是应该说otherGameObject?因为那没有任何作用.在我的 BombDropScript.maxBombs 中,我的 BombDropScript.maxBombs 仍然出现错误:未设置对象引用做对象的实例"

But that doesn't work. Maybe I just don't understand the syntax here. Is it suppose to say otherGameObject? Cause that doesn't do anything. I still get the error : "Object reference not set do an instance of an object" on my BombDropScript.maxBombs down in the explode()


您需要找到包含您计划引用的脚本组件的 GameObject.确保游戏对象已经在场景中,否则 Find 将返回 null.

You need to find the GameObject that contains the script Component that you plan to get a reference to. Make sure the GameObject is already in the scene, or Find will return null.

 GameObject g = GameObject.Find("GameObject Name");


Then you can grab the script:

 BombDrop bScript = g.GetComponent<BombDrop>();


Then you can access the variables and functions of the Script.



I just realized that I answered a very similar question the other day, check here:Don't know how to get enemy's health


I'll expand a bit on your question since I already answered it.

您的代码正在做的是说在我的游戏对象中查找 BombDropScript,大多数情况下脚本不会附加到同一个游戏对象.

What your code is doing is saying "Look within my GameObject for a BombDropScript, most of the time the script won't be attached to the same GameObject.

也为 maxBombs 使用 setter 和 getter.

Also use a setter and getter for maxBombs.

public class BombDrop : MonoBehaviour
    public void setMaxBombs(int amount)
        maxBombs += amount;

    public int getMaxBombs()
        return maxBombs;


08-18 08:35