在升华文本中,选择一些文本,然后按Ctrl + d如果可能,将添加相同文本的下一个实例到选择。选择需要的实例后,编辑器有多个卡座(不一定在相同或相邻的列和行)。在这种模式下,可以同时向前或向后移动所有光标,并且可以同时编辑所有的文本实例。
is there an option or plugin for eclipse which would enable multiple simultaneous selections in the same editor.
In sublime text, selecting some text and then pressing Ctrl+d will add next instance of the same text to the selection if possible. After selecting the instances needed the editor has multiple carrets (not necessarily on the same or adjacent columns and rows). In this mode it is possible to move all cursors forward or back simultaneously and to edit all instances of text simuntaneously.
I find this feature very usefull and miss it sorely in eclipse..
This Eclipse plugin attempts to provide this feature: https://github.com/caspark/eclipse-multicursor. From the README: