

本文介绍了如何在Visual Studio中将附属程序集添加到项目中的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I'm working in a project which references assemblies from a third company. These assemblies have satellite assemblies that I'm copying with a post-build event to the bin folder.


Is There a way to include those third party satellite assemblies into the project so I have not to care with the post-build events and maintaining the files?



MORE INFORMATION: As the references have only resources they are not added as project references, actually I'm just copying them to the // folder. As each localized reference has the same name I would only be able to add it one time to the project's references.



I was researching a related problem and stumbled on this thread. Please note that referencing the satellite assemblies directly (via the 'add reference' dialog) is not the way to incorporate them into your application. In stead just make sure they are located in a folder hierarchy as suggested above (relative to the original location of the binary file they contain resources for).

您唯一显式添加引用的文件是库本身.请记住在参考的属性窗口中将"copy local"设置为true.然后,运行时将确保从目录与系统区域设置匹配的文件中提取资源.

The only file you add a reference to explicitly is the library itself. Do remember to set 'copy local' to true in the property window of the reference. The runtime will then make sure to pull resources from the file whose directory matches the system locale.

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08-16 07:25