


We came across a bug in our product and reduced it to the following problem.Given a list and call to the ForEach-Extension method with an async lambda, what is the expected order of the output:

public static async Task Main()
    var strings = new List<string> { "B", "C", "D" };
    strings.ForEach(async s => { await AsyncMethod(s); } );

private static async Task AsyncMethod(string s)
    await Task.Run(() => { Console.WriteLine(s); });


We expected it to be always A,B,C,D,E. But sometimes it's A,B,C,E,D or A,B,E,D,C


We thought that these two lines would be equivalent:

strings.ForEach(async s => { await AsyncMethod(s); });

foreach (var s in strings) await AsyncMethod(s);


Can somebody explain where the difference is? How are these async lambdas executed and why are they not awaited?


Clarification: The problem is not the order of B,C and D. The problem is that E comes before the loop is finished


foreach (var s in strings) await AsyncMethod(s);


You're misunderstanding how this works. These are the steps that are taken, sequentially:

  1. 异步处理"B".
  2. 等待(1).
  3. 异步处理"C".
  4. 等待(3).
  5. 异步处理"D".
  6. 等待(5).

await 是每次迭代的一部分.下一次迭代要等到当前迭代完成后才能开始.

The await is part of each iteration. The next iteration won't start until the current one is finished.


Due to not handling the tasks asynchronously, these sequential tasks will finish in the order that they were started.

strings.ForEach(async s => { await AsyncMethod(s); });


This, on the other hand, works differently:

  1. 异步处理"B".
  2. 异步处理"C".
  3. 异步处理"D".

ForEach 启动任务,但不会立即等待它们.由于异步处理的性质,每次运行代码时,这些并发任务可以以不同的顺序完成.

The ForEach starts the tasks, but does not immediately await them. Due to the nature of asynchronous handling, these concurrent tasks can be completed in a different order each time you run the code.

由于没有什么可以等待 ForEach 产生的任务,因此将立即启动"E"任务.BCDE都是异步处理的,可以按任意顺序完成.

As there is nothing that awaits the tasks that were spawned by the ForEach, the "E" task is started immediately. BCDE are all being handled asynchronously and can be completed in any arbitrary order.

您可以重新设计 foreach 示例以匹配您的 ForEach 示例:

You can redesign your foreach example to match your ForEach example:

foreach (var s in strings)

现在,处理方式与 ForEach 中的相同:

Now, the handling is the same as in the ForEach:

  1. 异步处理"B".
  2. 异步处理"C".
  3. 异步处理"D".


However, if you want to ensure that the E task is only started when BCD have all been completed, you simply await the BCD tasks together by keeping them in a collection:

foreach (var s in strings)

await Task.WhenAll(myTaskList);
  1. 异步处理"B"并将其任务添加到列表中.
  2. 异步处理"C"并将其任务添加到列表中.
  3. 异步处理"D"并将其任务添加到列表中.
  4. 请先执行列表中的所有任务,然后再执行其他操作.


08-16 06:49