本文介绍了达到可放置限制时,jQuery UI可拖动/可排序/可放置禁用禁用放置的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


JS Bin演示


我正在使用jQuery UI创建事件调度程序.活动有一定的时长(以分钟为单位),可以拖到不同的日期,每个日期都有自己的最大时长(以分钟为单位).在此示例中,每天的最大长度为480分钟,并且不应允许插入不超过480分钟的事件".

I'm creating an event scheduler using jQuery UI. Events are of a certain length (in minutes) and they can be dragged into different days, each with their own maximum length (in minutes). In the example, each day's maximum length is 480 minutes, and no more than 480 minutes worth of "events" should be allowed to drop in.



If the "event" will cause the "day" to exceed its maximum time length (based on the combined times of elements already dropped on it), that "day" should be disabled (no dropping allowed for this specific event).

演示中可以看到,我可以计算出每天发生的事件的总时间( 分钟可用"在拖动停止时进行了更新),但我不知道如果事件被拖动将导致分钟可用"变为负数,我不知道如何禁用掉入这一天.

As you can see from the demo, I can figure out the combined time of events for each day ("minutes available" is updated on drag stop), but I don't know how to disable dropping into the day if the event being dragged would cause "minutes available" to go negative.



Easiest thing to do here to to run a function at start to check to see if any room will be fully booked. I've revised the demo you provided here: revised demo


It could certainly use some refinement but essentially it checks to see the length of the event you are dragging and hides the sortable ul of any rooms with insufficient time. I hid the rooms because disabling them would take effect too late. I've also added a span in the html before each room ul to be displayed when there is insufficient time. Probably best to add this with js but not a lot of time for refinement.


这篇关于达到可放置限制时,jQuery UI可拖动/可排序/可放置禁用禁用放置的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

08-16 05:59