If I have an array of UIImage like so:
newImageArray = [UIImage(named:"Red.png")!,
UIImage(named:"Blue.png")!, UIImage(named:"Yellow.png")!]
How can I extract or determine the filename of an image of a certain index later on? For example:
println("The first image is \(newImageArray[0])")
Instead of returning a readable filename, it returns:
The first image is <UIImage: 0x7fe211d2b1a0>
Can I convert this output into readable text, or is there a different method of extracting filenames from UIImage arrays?
I have had a look around as this has been a problem for me in the past also. UIImage does not store the filename of the image. What I did to solve the issue was instead of an image array I used a dictionary with the key as the filename and the value as the Image. In my for loop I extracted the key and value of each item into a tuple and dealt with them.
I no longer have the code but as a quick mock up of what I did see below, (I hope this fits your requirements as I know every application is different)
var imageDictionary = ["image1.png": UIImage(named: "image1.png"),
"image2.png": UIImage(named: "image2.png")]
and then the for loop will look like:
for (key, value) in imageDictionary {
println(key) // Deal with Key
println(value) // Deal with Value
...as I say this worked for me and the scenario I needed it for, I hope you can use it also!