

这是一个更具理论性的问题.我将在此处构建一个小型服务器,并希望为其创建一个API.我正在决定什么更好,并且已经排除了SOAP,因为我认为那是一团糟.我只剩下REST和XML-RPC.我真的很喜欢XML-RPC,它真的很容易实现,而且它很普通,以至于所有客户端都可以轻松使用它.这些天来,所有很酷的孩子都在做RESTful的工作,有时使用JSON负载或XML文档,甚至使用HTTP POST VARIABLES.我认为这些家伙总是为每种服务重新发明轮子.我看不到通过使用REST而不是使用XML-RPC可以得到什么.

This is a more theoretical question. I am about to build a little server in here and want to create an API for it. I am deciding what is better and already ruled out SOAP since that thing is a mess in my opinion. I am left with REST and XML-RPC. I really enjoy XML-RPC, it is really simple to implement and it is regular enough that all clients can use it easily. These days all the cool kids are doing RESTful stuff, sometimes with a JSON payload or XML document or even HTTP POST VARIABLES. I think those guys always reinvent the wheel for each service. I don't see what one could gain by going with REST over using XML-RPC.

那么,有人可以提供使用REST + JSON而不是仅使用XML-RPC来实现API的实际原因吗?

So, can someone here provide practical reasons for implementing an API using REST+JSON over just using XML-RPC?



REST vs RPC implementations like XML-RPC is a false dichotomy. You can implement a RESTful interface using XML-RPC (although you probably wouldn't want to). That said, there are a bunch of reasons why you would want to expose resources in a RESTful way using vanilla HTTP instead of rolling your own RPC interface using a technology like XML-RPC:

  1. 未来动作主要由服务器控制,而不是通过过程调用在客户端进行硬编码,从而简化了部署和版本控制.
  2. 可以立即使用诸如缓存,限制和版本控制之类的现有实现.
  3. 使用RPC接口滚动的自定义过程的范围可能过于狭窄.


See this blog post for more info.


08-16 05:32