



 在普通请求(text\html)的情况下,HTML b $ b在ajax请求的情况下的JSON(application \json)


  return $ this-> myCallBackFunction($ data)$ b $在每个动作中,b  



$ b

.html#zend-mvc-controller-plugins-acceptableviewmodelselectorrel =noreferrer>可接受的视图模型选择器控制器插件专门用于此目的。它将根据您通过查看由客户端发送的Accepts标头定义的映射来选择一个适当的ViewModel。

对于您的示例,您首先需要启用JSON视图通过将其添加到您的视图管理器配置(通常在 module.config.php )中的策略:





  class IndexController extends AbstractActionController 
protected $ acceptMapping = array(
'text / html'
) ,
'Zend\View\Model\JsonModel'=> array(
'application / json'


public function indexAction()
$ viewModel = $ this-> acceptableViewModelSelector($ this-> acceptMapping);

return $ viewModel;



I'm trying to implement the following:

Simple controller and action. Action should return response of 2 types depending on the request:

HTML in case of ordinary request (text\html),
JSON in case of ajax request (application\json)

I've managed to do this via a plugin for controller, but this requres to write

return $this->myCallBackFunction($data)

in each action. And what if I wan't to do this to whole controller? Was trying to figure out how to implement it via event listener, but could not succed.

Any tips or link to some article would be appreciated!


ZF2 has the acceptable view model selector controller plugin specifically for this purpose. It will select an appropriate ViewModel based on a mapping you define by looking at the Accepts header sent by the client.

For your example, you first need to enable the JSON view strategy by adding it to your view manager config (typically in module.config.php):

'view_manager' => array(
    'strategies' => array(

(It's likely you'll already have a view_manager key in there, in which case add the 'strategies' part to your current configuration.)

Then in your controller you call the controller plugin, using your mapping as the parameter:

class IndexController extends AbstractActionController
    protected $acceptMapping = array(
        'Zend\View\Model\ViewModel' => array(
        'Zend\View\Model\JsonModel' => array(

    public function indexAction()
        $viewModel = $this->acceptableViewModelSelector($this->acceptMapping);

        return $viewModel;

This will return a normal ViewModel for standard requests, and a JsonModel for requests that accept a JSON response (i.e. AJAX requests).

Any variables you assign to the JsonModel will be shown in the JSON output.


08-16 05:20