config.assets.enabled = false $ b我的资料隐式地预先编译了我的资产$ b
它似乎是防止资产编译最简单的方法是将文件放在public / assets / manifest.yml中 - 假设内容不相关,但也可以通过config.assets.enabled将其禁用以防万一。
The heroku cedar precompile my assets implicitly, even though I have written:
config.assets.enabled = false
How to disable the assets feature?
The problem is that the application config isn't available when the slug is compiled. This was recently addressed with http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/labs-user-env-compile but I'm not sure if that will help here.
For more info on the pipeline on Heroku take a look at http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rails31_heroku_cedar
It looks like the easiest way to prevent asset compilation is to put a file in public/assets/manifest.yml - would presume contents is irrelevant but also disable it via config.assets.enabled just in case.