


Is there any benefit in having never-defined structures in C ?

例在SQLite的源$ C ​​$ C:

Example in SQLite source code :

/* struct sqlite3_stmt is never defined */
typedef struct sqlite3_stmt sqlite3_stmt;


And the object is manipulated like so :

typedef struct Vdbe Vdbe;
struct Vdbe {
    /* lots of members */

int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt) {
    Vdbe *v = (Vdbe*) pStmt;
    /* do stuff with v... */

那么,为什么不直接使用通常的抽象类型,在 foo.c的私下定义的实际来源结构和公共的typedef foo.h中头?

So why not just use a usual abstract type, with the actual structure privately defined in foo.c source and a public typedef in foo.h header ?



To clarify: What you're asking is why SQLite does the above instead of doing this:


typedef struct sqlite3_stmt sqlite3_stmt;


struct sqlite3_stmt {
    /* lots of members */

int sqlite3_step(sqlite3_stmt *pStmt) {
    /* do stuff with pStmt... */


(This is the canonical form of the "opaque pointer" pattern linked to in KennyTM's answer.)


The only good reason I can think of why SQLite does what it does is the following:

后端code,我猜测,这个API来之前和使用的名称 VDBE - 这个名字可能意味着相关沿实施的东西虚拟数据库条目的线路(疯狂猜测这里)。

The backend code, I'm speculating, came before the API and used the name Vdbe -- the name probably means something related to the implementation along the lines of "virtual database entry" (guessing wildly here).

当时间到了创建API,有人意识到,需要通过 sqlite3_step 参数是一个 VDBE 但这是不完全,将传达很多API的用户的名称。因此,从用户的角度来看,一个 VDBE 被称为 sqlite3_stmt

When time came to create the API, someone realized that the parameter required by sqlite3_step was a Vdbe but that this was not exactly a name that would convey a lot to the user of the API. Hence, from the user's point of view, a Vdbe is referred to as an sqlite3_stmt.

这里的关键,那么,两个视图在同一项目的区分:后端认为在 VDBE S(无论他们是)方面,因为这是一个名字这使得在实施的背景下意义。关于 sqlite3_stmt 是因为这是有意义的背景下一个名称的接口的。

The point here, then, is to differentiate between two views of the same item: The backend thinks in terms of Vdbes (whatever they are) because that's a name that makes sense in the context of the implementation. The API talks about sqlite3_stmts because that's a name that makes sense in the context of the interface.


As Amarghosh points out, why not just do this to achieve the same effect?

typedef struct Vdbe sqlite3_stmt;

(请投他,我不不想在这里吸走他的REP):VDBE只有几种可能的后端之一;接口采用了通用 sqlite3_stmt ,这是再投对什么后端使用来实现它。

KennyTM points out a good possible reason (please vote him up, I don't want to siphon off his rep here): VDBE is only one of several possible backends; the interface uses a "generic" sqlite3_stmt, and this is then cast to whatever the backend uses to implement it.


08-16 03:50