


public abstract class MyAbstractClass {

    public abstract void a();
    public abstract void b();

public class Foo extends MyAbstractClass {

    public void a() {

    public void b(){

public class Bar extends MyAbstractClass {

    public void a() {

    public void delta() {


Q-1 :- 我应该实现 abstract 类中的所有方法吗?

Q-1 :- Should I implement ALL the methods in abstract class?

Q-2 :- 实现类可以有自己的方法吗?


当你扩展一个 Interface 或一个 Abstract 类时,你正在与那个.您在合同中说:

When you extend an Interface or an Abstract class you are creating a contract of sorts with that superclass. In the contract you are saying:


如果你不实现所有未实现的方法,那么你就违反了合同.一种不破坏契约的方法是让你的子类 Abstract 以及一种说法

If you do not, implement all the unimplemented methods, then you are breaking your contract. A way to not break your contract is make your subclass Abstract as well as a way of saying


对于你现在的 bar 类,你必须实现 b() 或使 bar 成为一个 Abstract 类或者您没有履行与 MyAbstractClass

For your class bar right now, you must implement b() or make bar an Abstract class or you are not fulfilling your contract with MyAbstractClass


接口:我的方法都没有实现.子类必须实现我的所有方法才能实现我.(注意:我相信默认接口已添加到 Java 8 中,这可能会有所改变)

Interface: None of my methods are implemented. A subclass must implement all my methods in order to implement me. (Note: I believe default interfaces have been added to Java 8 which may change this a bit)


 public interface myInterface
     //My subclasses must implement this to fulfill their contract with me
     public void methodA();

     //My subclasses must implement this to fulfill their contract with me
     public void methodB();


Abstract: I may implement some of my methods, but I will also leave methods as abstract so that my subclasses must implement because they can implement those classes to suit their needs better than I can.


 public abstract class myAbstractClass
     //My subclasses must implement this to fulfill their contract with me
     public abstract void methodC();

     public void helloWorld()
         System.out.println("Hello World");

Abstract 类还可以扩展接口,因此它们可以实现它们的一些方法.但是它们也可以保留一些未实现的方法,以便子类可以实现它们.如果一个接口方法没有实现,就不需要声明它是抽象的,它已经在契约中了.

Abstract classes can also extend interfaces so they can implement some of their methods. But they can also leave some of the methods unimplemented so the subclass can implement them. If you leave an interface method unimplemented, there is not need to declare it abstract, it is already in the contract.


  public abstract class myAbstractClass2 implement myInterface
      public void methodA()
          // this fulfills part of the contract with myInterface.
          // my subclasses will not need to implement this unless they want to override
          // my implementation.

      //My subclasses must implement this to fulfill their contract with me
      public abstract void methodD();


So in essence, an abstract class doesn't have as strict a contract with it's superclass because it can delegate its methods to its subclasses.

Regular Class:(我使用常规表示非接口和非抽象).我必须从我的所有超类中实现所有未实现的方法.这些类具有绑定契约.

Regular Class: (I use regular to mean non-interface, and non-abstract). I must implement all unimplemented methods from all of my superclasses. These classes have a binding contract.


 public class mySubClass extends myAbstractClass2
     public void methodB()
         //must be implemented to fulfill contract with myInterface

     public void methodD()
         //must be implemented to fulfill contract with myAbstractClass2

     public void myMethod()
        //This is a method specifically for mySubClass.


08-16 03:30